Tuesday, May 17, 2011

7. What's Happening?

My P.O.V

Nothing bores me more other than sitting in class, listening to all the nonsense our teacher tells us. Seriously, Mr. Bates is like the worst teacher a student will ever meet. He stands there, talks about frogs and stuff. We're not even little children anymore! We're college students, for Christ' sake!
I had my chin rested on my palm, my eyes slowly shutting, trying to keep myself balanced despite the sleepiness. Suddenly, I felt the person behind me tap my right shoulder. I got back to my senses and turned around. I looked at him and he looked at his hand, telling me through body language that he's holding something under the table.
"What?" I mouthed. He just kept on waving the paper behind my back. I turned back to the front of the class and stretched my hand behind me. I got the piece of paper being passed.
My name was written on the folded paper.
Seriously, only passing notes can keep the class alive.
I slowly flipped the note open, trying not to get caught or anything. I started reading what the note said.

You think you're beautiful but you're not.
You think you're smart but you're not.
You think you're humble but you're not.
You think everybody likes you, think again.
You think HE likes you, KEEP DREAMING.

After reading the note, I seriously felt my blood pressure rising. Whoever wrote this note was seriously too bored to death. I turned around and asked the person behind me. He leaned forward to listen to what I have to say.
"Junho yah, who passed this paper?" I whispered.
He just shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know where that originally came from, it was just passed to me to pass it to you cause it has your name on it," He said.
I just sat there quietly, thinking.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
I AM NOT OKAY. This note totally ruined my day.
"Yeah, don't worry about me," I whispered back and let out a small smile. He just patted my shoulder once and leaned back to his seat again.
I sat there, stunned in a bad way. I am having the urge of pulling out the hair of the girl who wrote this note. And I am definitely sure who's the HE she is talking about.

"Psst!" I heard someone behind me called my attention.
I turned around and see Jess looking at me. "What happened?" She mouthed.
I lifted the note for her to see. After that I opened the note again and added some words to it.
I flipped the paper, scratched out my name and wrote JESS so that people will know who to pass the paper to.
Sadly, I stupidly wrote on the paper in a too secretive manner that I didn't notice that Mr. Bates was already eyeing me.
I felt the light become dimmer and the moment I looked up, I see Mr. Bates pushing his glasses, looking down on me. I swallowed my saliva and slowly sat straight.
"Perhaps you can share whatever it is that's written there," he told me. I can totally feel my face going red cause everyone's eyes are on me. Junho closed his eyes, showing an expression of "Ooooh, busted..."
Mr. Bates opened his hand in front of me and signaled me to give the paper to him.
Suddenly, the bell rang. SAVED BY THE BELL, seriously.
I smiled at Mr. Bates and tried to slip my way out of it, "But the class is over, Mr. Bates," I said.
He leaned down on me that his face is just a few inches away from mine. YUCK.
"Detention," he whispered, turned around and walked away. Everyone's beginning to pack their things while I freely let my head bump the table.

After I pack my things, I got out of the classroom and Jess was there, waiting for me to come out.
I handed her the paper and she asked, "what's this?"
"I seriously have no idea who had the guts to write and pass this to me," I told her, "Anyway, I'll see you later. Don't wait up for me," I told her as I started to walk my way to detention in a very dragging manner. A perfect way to ruin my day.

Jesse's P.O.V

Jobie started walking away as I flipped open the note she handed me. I was shocked to read what was written there. If I were her, I'd seriously hunt that woman down and slit her throat with a sharp knife. I feel sorry for my friend, she must be feeling very down after reading the note, special thanks to Mr. Bates who made her feelings worse. I'm seriously gonna get that bald alien professor.

After reading it, I walked my way across the hall and was about to throw the paper into the trash can. Before I dropped the paper, another class was dismissed and students started to come out of the room, maybe 5 rooms away from ours. I squinted my eyes and I see Taec saying goodbye to Jason, like he was hurrying to get somewhere. I then remembered.
I looked at my watch and it says 4:45. Enough time to get to the music hall at 5pm. Just right.
I know who the HE is in the note. I uncrampled the paper I was holding and folded it properly again. I slowly walked towards Jason and he's walking towards me as well. The moment he saw me, he flashed a smile.
"Hey, Jason," I told him.
"Hey, Jess," He said. I can tell he's looking for my friend since he's looking behind me, trying to see if Jobie's with me. But I read his mind.
"Jobes is not with me right now," I said.
"Oh? Can you tell me where she is?" He asked me back, still looking bright.
"Detention," I replied. Now, I can see a drastic change in his expression.
"What for?" He asked curiously.
I lifted the paper in front of him, "she was caught by our professor as she was passing this note to me," I told him.
He looked puzzled by what I said.
"Someone passed this to her and had the guts to write whatever it is that's written in there. Jobes just tried to let me know by forwarding the note, hence, she got caught," I explained further.
He looked sad after hearing what I had to say. "I think you should read it as well," I told him.
"What's this about?" He asked, flipping the paper open in front of me.
I just looked at his reaction and didn't respond to his question, since he's about to read what it's about anyway.
After a few seconds of reading the short note, he looked at me with a furious expression. I just looked at him in a very sorry expression. I looked at him and he slowly closed his eyes, close his palm, crumpling the paper.
"I know how you feel," I told him. He opened his eyes and looked at me, "I think I have an idea who this person might be," He said.
I stared at him with a curious expression, waiting for him to tell me who the biatch is.
He leaned to me and grabbed my shoulders, "don't worry, I will not let this girl hurt your friend," He said, I can see it in his eyes that he really cares for my friend. Jobes is so lucky.
"Thank you," I just said, I was still a bit lost with whatever's happening. That's how it's affecting me, cause Jobes is my best friend, I can't let anything happen to her. I'm glad that Jason's feeling the same way.
"Now you said she's in detention right?" He asked me. I just nodded.
He gave me a slight smile and walked past me, the crumpled paper still in his hand.
Seeing his back walk farther and farther away, I sighed and whispered to myself, "Thank God she met you, I know she'll be fine."
I looked at my watch. Just in time.

I walked my way to the music hall, wondering why Taec wants to meet me there.
I reached the music hall, it's like an auditorium, lots of seats and a huge stage with a grand piano standing in the center. I peeked through the glass of the door. I opened the door slowly and let myself in. I can hear someone playing the piano, maybe Taec's the one playing?
I slowly walked towards the piano and the nearer I get, the louder I can hear the music. Soft sweet music, if I'm not mistaken, it's a slow piano version of "Speechless". I can't see who the one playing is because the hood of the piano blocked the view of his face. I am slowly being carried away by the music I'm hearing. I didn't know Taec can play such good piano.
I slowly stepped on the wooden stairs on the side of stage, trying to avoid causing any unwanted noise to not distract him from playing. But a few steps away from the piano, he stopped playing. He then asked, "Jesse? Is that you?"
I was dumbfounded. That doesn't sound like Taec.
"Who's... there...?" I asked him in a soft tone of voice, still dumbfounded.
I stood there, waiting for him to show himself. He stood up from the chair and walked a few steps to the side of the grand piano. He flashed a smile at me. I still looked at him funny.
"Jesse," He called my name again. I tried to remember. How can this person know my name? He looked like he really knows who I am.

I squinted my eyes a bit, trying my best to remember. I looked at him more clearly. After a few seconds of thinking hard, my face brightened.

"Oh My God......... Mir!"

After I called his name, I suddenly heard a loud thump - like someone closed the door with force, causing it to echo in the whole music hall.

Oh dear, what's happening? Where's Taec?