Thursday, September 1, 2011

11. Pre-graduation Dates

My Narration

It seems just like yesterday when Jess and I first met Wooyoung and Taecyeon. Time flies so fast that we didn't even realize, three years it has been.
Now, we're seniors, and we are serious.

Woo and I have been dating, continuously - not to mention the other girls chasing him while we were dating and the death notes I've been receiving.
But I'm still thankful that he's always by my side who protects me whenever there are people attempting to harm me. Good luck or bad luck? I don't really understand. But all I know is that we have each other, and it's all that matters. Right? :)

Jess and Taec are the most talked couple in the university. Taec became the MVP of our school's basketball team, and Jesse, you might ask? She evolved from my quiet school nerd best friend to our university's top model. You can see her in almost all campaigns, posters, and other stuff like that. She's beautiful, plus she's tall and has long straight jet-black hair, envied by almost all of the girls in the campus. Taec and Jess were too perfect to be true and all couples in the university envied the two of them.

Nothing much happened in a span of three years.
Oh right! Let's have a recap of what had happened when we were just first year noobs.

Well, I got out of detention due to fainting. YES. Exactly! It's was just that simple.
And Jess? She forgived Taec.
Jesse told me all about what happened between the two of them.
That Mir guy? He disappeared after Taecyeon claimed Jess as his girl. Mir said he'll just go back to the states and maybe he'll find someone there. Awesome, right? Jess being courted by two handsome and dashing guys.
Well, unlike me who's just been receiving all those notes, telling me to leave Wooyoung alone.

Oh yeah, remember Junho? The guy who sat behind me in class who helps me pass my notes to Jess? He's part of our clique now. It seems like he met taecyeon during a basketball match and the two became good friends. Plus, Junho loves dancing, which made him and Wooyoung good friends too.

During our second year, along came Chansung - the thick-legged charismatic smart guy from Section C. Whoever thought that this guy would be part of our group? Well, he used to be the one whom other students copy notes from, until one day he realized his passion for b-boying. He didn't used to be people's favorite guy. But now, he's whom every guy wants to be. Smart, artistic, charismatic - what else could girls ask for?

Ever since I was a kid, I've always loved singing and dancing - well, basically, I just love the idea of performing.
We were in our third year when we met this other guy. He's one year ahead of us, our sunbae.
But because of his love and passion for singing and writing songs on his own, he got left behind during third year and thus, we became classmates.
His name is Junsu. He's popular for singing loudly in school corridors, in the cafeteria, and practically everywhere you can think of. You'll even know who's inside the bathroom if you pass by. Junsu, the singer, his high and unique voice captures every person's heart. We talk about music sometimes, after class, in between class, or sometimes, during class.
Thus, he became one of us and the rest of the group welcomed him freely.

And last but not the least, the third year transferee from Thailand, Nichkhun.
He practically outnumbered all the good-looking guys in the campus because of his charming looks. Although he wasn' really good in speaking Korean, he's lucky that he became classmates with Wooyoung and the two became very good friends, more like brothers actually.
Since he's partly Chinese partly Thai who's staying in Korea, Wooyoung and the rest of the guys help him out in his Korean while Jess and I help him in his Chinese.

So there. 6 handsome guys and 2 girls. All in one group.
Are we lucky or what?!

And today is the graduation eve - is there even such a thing?

My P.O.V

I spent half an hour standing in front of the mirror, figuring out what type of hairstyle I should do for today. I raised my arms and held up my hair in a ponytail.
I put it down. Then tried half ponytail.
Put it down again. I put a headband. Took it off.
I clipped my bangs, I have a wide forehead.

Suddenly, Jesse came knocking at the door.
"Yahh, woman, are you done? I gotta pee!" she said as she pounded on the door with her fist.
"Just a second!" I shouted, made sure she hears me.
"Aishhh!" I exclaimed to myself, seeing how hard it is to maintiain my hair. It's has like, no shape at all. Just blah.
I gathered all my things and opened the door. I see Jesse standing behind the door frame on the right, leaning on the wall.
"Phew! Finally! I thought the you got flushed already," She said.
I got out and she used the bathroom.
I headed to my room and picked out what I should wear.
Since it's pretty warm today, shorts. Hmm... Pants? I can't decide!

After a few minutes of rummaging over my clothes, Jesse appeared at my door.
"Come on Jobes, he's still gonna love you even though you're in a paper bag, he wouldn't care!" Jesse said, arms folded.
I sighed loudly and said, "you know what, you're right,"
I got a plain shirt, a pair of shorts, and my wedges.
"Oooohh, Someone's wearing heels today," Jesse said, teasing me with a smug on her face.
"Whatever, my Chucks needs to rest," I said.
"Alriiiight." She said, "Where is he taking you again?"
"I have no idea, he didn't tell me," I said. "How about you? Don't you have a date to go to?" I asked as I marched my way into the bathroom to get changed.
"Nahh, he didn't ask me out for today. Besides, tomorrow's our graduation and we're all gonna celebrate with the guys tomorrow night, anyway," She said.
"But won't tonight be more special? Especially for you and Taec since it's gonna be just the two of you?" I asked, opening the door and getting out.
"Iono," Jess mumbled. I just laughed at her reaction, being an innocent little girlfriend.

Suddenly, someone rang the door.
I went to the door and opened it. It was Wooyoung.
"Did I make my lady wait?" He asked.
I threw him a '-.- look and said, "come on, you live next door," I said.
"I know, and that's what's awesome about it," He said as he leaned in for a kiss, "Hi babe."
"Hi," I said back.
"You ready?" He asked me, looking at me from head to toe.
"Yeah I'll just go get my bag," I replied as I hurried to get my bag which I left in the room.

"No plans today?" Wooyoung asked Jess.
"Nope, is T home?" She asked back.
"I think he went out for a while, he'll be back soon," He said.
I appeared at the door and I saw Jess nodding to Wooyoung's response.
"Let's go?" I asked.
Woo stepped outside the house first and as I stepped outside the door, Jess called out to me.
"Don't be home so late, graduation tomorrow," She said.
I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, "Bye Jess, see you later, Love yah!" I replied.

Woo and I walked to his car and the moment we both sat at the seats, I asked him immediately.
"So, where are we going?" I asked him.
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asked me back.
I rolled my eyes and put my fingers underneath my chin, doing the thinking pose.
"Hmmm, let me think," I joked around.
He laughed at my expression and grabbed my chin and kissed the tip of my nose. I blushed.
I can feel the heat in my face.
"I think I know where we're going," he said as he drove away from the parking lot.

Jesse's P.O.V

So boring. Nothing to do.
I lied lazily on the couch, going through the channels on tv but there's nothing interesting to watch.
I look at the clock and see the time, 6:30pm.
Shall I go out by myself? Or should I just stay inside?
Oh well, I thought of making myself dinner since it's almost dinner time anyway.

I walked my way to the kitchen to see what's available for solo dinner.
I opened the cupboard and sees a few cups of ramen. Not interested in ramen tonight.
I walked to the fridge and opened the door. I took a peek inside.
"Cripes, we need some serious grocery shopping to do," I said to myself.
Maybe I'll just go out and eat by myself.

I looked at the shorts I'm wearing at the moment, I can just wear these shorts.
I went to my room and put on my Superman hoodie.
Went outside and tied my hair on a loose bun and wore my black rimmed glasses.
"Slippers for tonight," I said to myself as I slip on my favorite pair of black havaianas.

Just as I head for the door, my phone suddenly rang.
"Hello?" I picked up.
"Hey J, you home?" It was T.
"Hey T, I was just heading out, why?" I asked him back.
"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked me back again.
"Nope, actually I was just about to go out to get myself some dinner, how about you? Have you eaten?" I asked back. Neverending questions.
"Great! Come to the door," T said. I got curious so I opened the front door.
T was standing there, holding a box of pizza and a bag of other stuff.
"I just thought you'd be alone tonight," T said to me, smiling at me.
"Hey babe!" I said, feeling very happy of his way of surprise. I leaned in to hug him. He hugged me with all those things in hand. After letting go comes with a kiss.
"Thought of bringing dinner to you and staying in since Woo and Jobie are out," He said as he stepped in.
"Pizza!!!" I exclaimed. T laughed at my reaction.
"I knew you'd love to have pizza for tonight, I sensed it," He said as he put down the things on the counter.
"Ohhhh you sensed it up there?" I asked him, leaning to him and pointing at his right temple.
He gently took my hand and places it on his firm left chest.
"No, in here," He said. We both smiled.
We both leaned in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms are around my waist. The kiss lasted for a few seconds. But it felt like a lifetime.
As soon as we parted I said to him, "Thanks, T. I love you."
"I love you more, J," He replied back.
"I'm starving," I said to him. He just laughed at me.
Aside from the pizza, there's a huge coke standing on the counter, and a few bags of chips that we both like.

We both had a pizza dinner first in the dining table then after that we went to pick a cheesy romantic film to watch and we chose "A Walk To Remember".
We watched the film while eating chips, lights closed, both cuddled up in the couch.
There were a few scenes in which I cried and Taec wiped away my tears, especially in the ending part.
After the movie ended, I was still sitting beside Taec, looking dumbfounded with tears in my eyes.
"J, are you alright?" He asked me.
I looked up to him with tears falling from my eyes, "Yeah I'm fine, it's just that, I don't ever want to lose you," I said to him.
"Sshhh.. baby, I will be with you no matter what, remember that," He whispered to me as he continuously wipes my tears away.
Sitting in the couch hugging my knees, he hugged me very tightly like he's hugging a baby.
"You'll always be my baby," He said.

Taec carried me to my room while I was sleeping and laid me down on my bed.
I slightly woke up the moment he put me down. He stoke my face and the moment he tries to go out of the room, I grabbed his hand.
Without words, He smiled at me, gently sat on my bed and slowly curling up on the bed beside me.
We're both lying on the bed sidewards and we're facing each other.
He gently kissed my forehead as I continue to sleep like a baby.

Goodnight, my love....