Thursday, August 11, 2011

10. Something One Cannot Fake

and in 5...4...3...2...1........

Jason's P.O.V

What the hell is she thinking? She's going the wrong way!

I tried to persuade her into coming back to the shade, but she totally ignored me, like she didn't hear me at all.
But her hard-headedness didn't stop me from calling out to her.
I was this close to going out to the sunlight to drag her back to the shade and into the office but then....
"Oh my God, Jobie!!!!!!!!!" I screamed after her.
It looked like her soul left her body and her body free-falled to the pavement.
I quickly ran to her and as soon as I got near her, I bent on my knees and carried her head.
I kept tapping her cheeks, trying to wake her up. I am embraced by guilt and furiousness..
Any minute now, my tears are gonna start falling.
"Please, Jobie, wake up! I'm sorry... I.. I'm so.. I'm so sorry.." I said as I start sobbing.

Suddenly, the detention guy ran and knelt in front of me.
"What happened to her?" He asked me, looking furious as well.
"I don't know, she just stood her and the next thing was she fell to the ground. Please, help her!"
I was begging the detention guy.
I am seriously feeling very guilty about this, I didn't expect it to end this way.
"Don't worry, leave her to me," the detention guy told me as he carries Jobie in his arms.
As he was doing so, I saw a lot of students and nurses running to where we are.
I wonder how they all knew what happened?

I felt sorrow as I see the detention guy slowly getting his balance with Jobie in his arms. I held Jobie's hand and didn't let go till the detention guy started walking away.
I suddenly felt a tight squeeze on my fingers.
How could it be? She's unconscious... Right?

After a few students and teachers, I saw Jesse running behind them, and Taec's with her as well.
Jesse came up to me panting, "What the hell happened?" She asked while catching her breath.
"I don't know, she was just standing there and she fainted," I replied.
Taec was standing behind Jesse but his long arms made him capable of placing his hand on my shoulder, "Wooyoung ah, gwenchana?" I just nodded back to his question.
I saw Jesse's expression became weirded out, but she didn't turn to ask Taec directly.
"Wooyoung? That's your name?" Jesse asked me.
"Yeah, I just used Jason as my nickname, but people close to me really call me Wooyoung," I replied her.
"Ohh," she replied.
We were all squinting out eyes under the sun, all looking at the direction where Jobie was being taken to.
"I hope she'll be alright," Jesse said.
"Me too," I followed, "And Jess, I'm really sorry," I tried to apologize.
"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault," She said to me.
We all then slowly walked towards the school clinic, but something's still bugging my mind.
Was she conscious this whole time?

"So Taec, where are you headed?" I asked him.
He didn't reply to me immediately, but he looked at Jesse for a while before replying, looking sad. I looked at Jesse but she just looked straight while walking, like she doesn't care.
"I don't know," He just muttered out, "I suppose you guys are going to the clinic?"
"Yeah, hyung, I just can't leave her by herself," I replied.
There was a moment of silence and all we can hear is the sound of our footsteps in the hallway.
"I guess I better be going, I'll see you at home tonight then, Woo," He told me.
I looked to him and we both exchanged a closed smile.
"I'll talk to you soon, Jess," He told Jesse who's walking in front of her.
Jesse just looked at him with the side of her eyes, trying to avoid his greeting.
Taec then walks in a different direction to where we are going.

"Hey," I called Jesse as I tapped her shoulder.
"Yeah?" She stopped and turned to look at me.
"I don't want to get into your business, but what's up with you and Taec? You guys look like you don't get along well. Did something wrong happen?" I asked continuously.
She sighed a deep breath.
"Let's just walk and I'll tell you as we go along," She told me.
So we both walked our way as she opened up to me, telling everything about what happened..

My P.O.V

I swear, I'm not gonna open my eyes till I'm sure it's Jason beside my bed.

I hear nurses talking, people asking stuff like "what happened to the girl?"
People can be nosy sometimes, they just can't get their noses out of other people's business.
The school nurse placed her hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature.
"Her temperature's a bit hot," the nurse said. Wow, thanks to the blazing heat of the sun, my plan totally worked out fine. But deep inside, I kinda feel sorry and guilty for making Jason worry like crazy. Well, he is worried about me, isn't he?

Suddenly, I heard people at the door of the clinic, begging to get in.
"Please, she's my friend, I have to see her," With my eyes closed, I bet that was Jesse.
"Please let us in, we really need to make sure she's okay," another one said, Jason.
Suddenly, the nurse got tired of trying to keep them out of the clinic and finally gave in.
"Oh alright, but just the two of you," she said.
In a few seconds time, someone suddenly held my hand. It was Jason.
There he was with Jesse, I can feel both of them even wit my eyes closed.
Suddenly, the nurse approached the three of us, "since you two are here, why don't you look after her for just a short while, I just have to talk to the doctor," she said.
"Sure," they both said. I can feel Jason's thumb caressing the back of my hand very gently.
I heard the sound of the door closing.

I opened my eyes and sat up to my bed. I can see Jason's and Jesse's shocked expression.
"Boo!" I shouted.
"Yah woman!! Gwenchana?? You got us worried sick!" Jesse told me.
I laughed softly at her surprised reaction.
"I'm fine, don't worry, just a bit dizzy though. That detention dude doesn't know how to lift a girl well, sheesh!" I exclaimed.
A smile spread across Jason's face as he suddenly hugs me, caught me off guard.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he whispered to me. I folded my arms, hugging him back.
As we separated from the hug, he asked me, "What really happened?"
"Well, I was conscious the whole time, I pretended to faint so that we don't need to run anymore," I explained.
"What?! You're crazy woman!" Jesse exclaimed. Her reaction made me laugh.
"Sorry, Jess, I don't have any other plan besides that," I said. I opened my arms.
At first Jesse was hesitant, "you know I'm not a very touchy person, but alright, now is an exeption."
She came to me and gave me the warmest hug a girl can get from her best friend, ever since I started college, Jesse's like a little sister to me.
"I'm just glad you're okay," She told me.
"Oh yeah, where's Taec? How did the 5pm rendezvous go?" throwing her a smug.
Jesse looked at Jason and Jason looked back at her.
"Is there something I should know?" I asked, shifting my glance at both of them.
"Maybe I'll tell it to you at home," she replied. Alright, there is really something I should know.

Suddenly, the door opened again and the three of us were caught off guard, I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes immediately. Jason was like pretending he was sad, so did Jesse.
"Thank you for looking after her," the nurse replied, "I guess she's gonna have to rest off a few days," she continued.
"I guess we'd better get going, let her rest more," Jason said.
The nurse went back to her desk and I saw a shadow lean towards me.
A pair of lips landed softly on my forehead. I melted. Even though I had to pretend I was unconscious, I could help myself but to open my eyes a bit.
Jess held my hand and went for the door. Jason walked behind her and he's looking back at me as he walked. I gave him a small wink, he smiled, and he was out the door.
I lied down comfortably, falling into deep sleep. Well, running around campus can be pretty tiring..

Jesse's P.O.V

It's 6pm, and it's already dark.
I have a blank mind....... I don't know what to feel, what to think.. I feel BLAH...

It's sad that I have to walk my way home by myself. Wonder where that Taec go.
Oh come on, Jess. Why do you have to think of him, out of all people?!
Erase.. Erase.. Erase..

I stepped into our condominium building. I approached the elevator, and it has a paper stick to the doors.
"Under construction, please take the stairs."
Great, just GREAT.
I let out a deep sigh.
Well, we just live in the 8th floor.. It's a piece of cake. *damn it*
I pushed the door and entered to take the stairs.

As I went inside, there was a huge paper taped to the wall.
"And now your journey begins...."
What the hell is this?! Is this some kind of a prank? Oh come on...
I followed the signs and there are weird stuffs and saying written on pieces of colored papers. There are even foot shape-cut papers taped to the stairs, like a pair of soles walking up the stairs...

1St floor: And now your journey begins....
2Nd floor: Jesse, I was naive about what happened...
3rd floor: I am...
4th floor: Really...
5th floor: Sorry for breaking your heart..
6th floor: I really didn't mean it
7th floor: I was so stupid....
8th floor: And now, I just want you to know..........

I must admit, taking the stairs has never been this interesting..

I opened the door and there are arrows taped to the wall, showing the path to our door.
There was a very cute cuddly bear sitting outside out door, and it had a small note rolled up and tied to its neck.
I picked up the teddy bear and opened the note to see what was written.
"You're the most beautiful nerd in the whole wide world ♥
P.S. Please come to the rooftop. I'll be waiting.."

I had a mix of emotions.. All my head was thinking was TAEC, THIS BETTER BE YOU!!

Like on cue, the elevator was working and it opened on my floor.
I took the elevator and made my way to the rooftop.
I slowly walked and there he was, standing there with a long-stemmed yellow rose on his hand.
I approached him and he's smiling back at me. To be honest, it felt like all my doubts and heartaches vanished in an instant.
"So this is your idea of apologizing?" I asked him with a smirk on my face.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked me. Oh God, why does he have to look so gorgeous?!
"Yeah," I replied and smiled at him.
"This is for you," He handed me the beautiful yellow rose. It was very bright despite the dark sky..
We both stared at each other's eyes, but this time, it did not feel awkward at all.
Like telepathy, we both leaned and gave each other a tight warm hug..

Now it's settled, we're positive of what we both feel, and it's something one cannot fake. ♥

Monday, August 8, 2011

9. Furious with Shattered Hearts

Jesse's P.O.V

Damn it, Taec! You just don't get it do you?
Even thought I'm like this, walking away with my pride, I was kinda hoping you'd come after me!

But you didn't.

I kept walking down the hallway, can't stop the tears from falling. And I feel like I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, and feel that huge lump in my throat when I try to stop my tears.
I felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces.
I kept walking, trying to keep my balance even though I feel like the ground was breaking on me.
Suddenly, I saw two people running across the hall, holding hands..
They looked like they're being chased by something, looking back from time to time while running.

"Jobie??" I yelled after.
I was sure that was her. I could recognize her copper brown hair, her thick calves (like Chansung's, a guy in section C, but feminine size), not to mention her height and her white Chucks.
So I guess Jason 'pulled her out' of detention. What a smart, sweet guy.
She didn't look back so I decided to run after them both.

I ran like crazy till...
I fell to the floor for bumping into the detention guy.
"So!!! how many times shall I fall on my butt this school term? Cripes!" I wasn't aware that I said it out loud.
"Excuse me?! What's with the tone young lady??" He asked me in a louder voice.
We both got up and dusted ourselves but I was embarrassed so I kept my head looking down to the floor.
"Sorry," I said, but in a very small tone of voice he can barely hear.
"Never mind." He said. "Did you see two students who happened to run past here?" he asked.
I knew he was looking for Jobie and Jason, so as Jobie's best chinggu, I shall protect her.
I shook my head no.
It seemed like the detention guy treated me as a rest stop as he continued running after them without answering back after I replied to his question.

I was left standing there until suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I didn't turn around.
Suddenly, his tap became a firm (but at the same time soft) grip on my shoulder and turned me around to face him.
There he is, standing right in front of me with his hand still on my shoulder.
"Jess, we need to talk," he said calmly.
I didn't give him a bitch stare, I just couldn't.
So dusted off his hand off my shoulder and he didn't fight it.
"I'm not in the mood to talk right now," I replied, calmly, too.
He slightly bent his head to level with my face, like taking a peek. I guess he saw the trails of dried tears from my eyes down my cheeks.
"Are you crying?" He asked, looking at me with those sad puppy eyes.
I looked away, trying to not let him see, when in fact, all I was trying was is to avoid his eyes.
"You're a nice guy, Taec, but I'm just not up to talking right now. I wanna be alone," I said.
As I turned around and started to slowly walk away, he called after me.
"Jess, I can explain what happened," He tried to sound convincing.
I inhaled deeply, turned around again to face him.
I had the courage to confront him, "Look, in other people's eyes I am just a typical nerd, the one who always studies, the one who's always alone. Knowing you even for just a little while made me feel that I'm more than just that typical nerd girl. But I guess false hopes can just bring you down in an instant. Tell me, did you see me as more than that? Right now, I don't know how you think of me. 'Cause if you ask me, it just feels like you're not different from the others."

There, I said it.
And there's no taking back.
I swear it ached more the moment I saw his expression when I said that mini speech.
But I'm a girl. My heart and pride was hurt.
I turned around and by the time I did, we both saw students running down the hall.
Something's up and I need to find out what it is.

Students were running, then along came some teachers...
then the school guard....
then the school nurse.......
okay, something's not good.

I suddenly see the ahjussi janitor in the library, walking along with the crowd. But since he walks slower compared to the others, I managed to catch up to him. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
"Ahjussi, what happened? What's the fuss all about?" I asked, curious.
"Ahh, actually, everyone's just curious, but I heard that a girl fainted somewhere near the office," he replied.
"Are you serious?!?!" I asked him, starting to panick as it came to my mind that it might be Jobie since she ran in the direction towards the office.
"Thanks, Ahjussi, I'll talk to you later!" I started to run my way to see.
"Jess, wait up! I'll go with you!" Taec said as he ran behind me.

My P.O.V

I'm seriously starting to run out of breath. I wonder if Jason is feeling the same way.
While running, suddenly, Jason pulled my hand and we both hid in a corner with a shade.
We both panted nonstop, catching out breaths. I can barely open my eyes and I can feel the heat coming out from my body. Wooyoung squinted his eyes shut tightly, gasping for air.
"Are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at me.
"You look pale," He said, I can see panic written all over his face even though it was dark.
He cupped my face with both of his hands.
My eyes were like that of a drunk, half open, looking directly at Jason who's looking extremely furious.

"I must get you to the nurse, I'm so sorry for letting you run like that," He said, with his hands still cupping my face.
The moment I kinda caught up with my breath, I held his hands and told him in a soft tone of voice, "I'm fine, don't worry to much," I said, letting out a small laugh.
He suddenly grabbed me and held me tight in his arms. It felt like heaven.
"Please, don't fall sick," He said, holding and hugging me very tightly.
If only I can pause that moment. It felt like forever.

The moment we separated from the hug, he held my hand again, "come on, we're near the office," he said.
But I walked in the opposite direction, going back to where we came from.
As I was walking my way and exposing myself under the sun, like a drunk, I saw the detention guy jogging, finding his way. He started to run towards me the moment he saw me standing there.
"Jobie! Wrong way! Get back here!" I heard Jason telling me. But I didn't move.
"Jobie! Come on! He's near!" He kept telling me.

"You there! Stop right there!" The detention guy pointed at me like I'm some sort of a criminal.
and in 5...4...3...2...1.......

"Oh my God!! Jobie!!!!!!!!!!!!"