Monday, April 11, 2011

6. Tease Me and I Shall Tease You Back

My P.O.V

Here I am, sitting under a tree. I can't seem to figure out why I'm sitting here right at this very moment. The leaves of the tree blocking the blazing heat of the sun, cool wind brushing through my cheeks. I closed my eyes for a bit to feel the warm yet cool weather. Just a perfect day to be out of the house. Suddenly, I feel someone walking behind me, approaching me. He was holding two ice creams, one on both hands. He sat down beside me and smiled. He gave me one of the ice creams he was holding. Vanilla, my all-time favorite. It made me smile, really. I started licking my ice cream and he was just there, smiling while eating and looking at me. Good at multitasking, eh?
"What are you smiling about?" I asked him.
"Nothing," He said, and he continues eating his ice cream. Cheese, I think. Well, He loves yellow.

I finished my ice cream and stood up. I dusted off my beautiful skirt and tied the ribbon on my hair, giving it a lovely look. He followed me, dusted his pants off and fixes his hat. I stood there looking at him as he approached me and grabbed me by my waist. He slowly leans forward until the tip of his nose touches mine.
"Jason," I said. He opened his eyes. "Look!" I said, and I started running and he continues to chase me. The moment he catches me, I grabs me by my waist and swings me around, laughing very carefree-ly. We really looked like a romantic and sweet couple in a modern fairy tale..
He turns me to face him and held my chin. He slowly leans forward, and forward, okay he's really near.. He's... He's... He's.....


Holy shit.

"What the hell?!?!?!" I hear Jess mumbling with her face buried under her pillow, body facing down. I opened my eyes and rubbed them, stared at the ceiling to get my balance. Great, my perfect dream being interrupted by reality, and by that stupid annoying alarm clock...
I looked to my right, Jess was there with her hair everywhere. "Once I get up, I'm seriously gonna throw that stupid alarm clock away.." She said as her voice faded, she must be really sleepy.
I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms. I stood up and started to get ready for another dreadful day at school. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. The moment I got back to our room, Jess was not there already.
I made my way to the kitchen and went through the cupboards to see if there's anything edible I can eat for breakfast. There I see Jess, leaning on the counter top, stirring her hot chocolate, slowly sipping it one by one.
Her hair is tied up in a messy bun, and her black rimmed glasses hanged on the bridge of her nose. She's still wearing her sleeping clothes.
"No plans of getting ready yet?" I asked her.
She thew me a blank stare for a while before actually replying to me. "Ever since we've been roommates, I cram my way to school everyday. I'm pretty sure you know that," she said.
"True." I just replied with that. While going through the shelves, I found the box of cereal and went to the fridge to get some milk. Breakfast.

A few minutes after having my breakfast, I went to the door to get my Chucks. Jess walks out of our room looking very neat and ready for school.
"You never fail to amaze me," I told her.
"Pffft, whatever....." She told me as she walked her way near me and wore her Nike Dunks.

As we got out of our unit, we both stopped before continuing.
I turned back to Jess, and she looked back at me.
"Do you think they're still in there?" I asked her in a soft tone of voice.
Jess just shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh well, maybe we'll see them again soon," I said as I continue walking towards the elevator.
"Of course! Before there's like 50% chance of seeing them cause we all go to the same school. But now that we're neighbors, there's like a 99% chance of meeting them, take note, EVERYDAY."
Jess loves explaining things, which just proves that I have an amazing and amusingly smart best friend.

So like any other regular day, we took the bus on our way to school. After paying and sitting on two of the empty seats in the bus, the bus started moving. But after a few seconds, the bus stopped again and the door opened. I saw Jason and Taec get on the bus. Jess and I were both in shock the moment we see the two of them. After paying they went towards us, as if they really knew we're there.
Jason walked towards me and Taec went towards Jess, both of them panting.
"What happened to you guys?" I asked Jason, who was trying to catch his breath.
He took a gulp and replied to my question, "We've been running, trying to catch up with you two, but then you guys jumped up fast to the bus. Good thing we still managed to get on," he said.
"Oh..." I said, just letting out a shy smile.
"May I..?" He asked me as he pointed towards the seat beside me.
"Sure, sure, go ahead," I said. After sitting beside me, we both fell in awkward silence.
I can seriously feel stray eyes lurking, through the corner of my eyes I can see. A few girls our age, dressed up in the same uniform as ours. Great. More people will hate me now.

Jess's P.O.V

I seriously can't believe he went straight up to me. It's like, the sky has fallen or something. It was beyond my expectations. I thought he was just gonna ignore me or throw me a shy smile and sit at the other end of the bus. But his courage to come up and ask me if he could sit beside really caught me off guard.
I can see Jobie and Jason talking to each other. They must be fastly getting to know each other well. I envy my friend. But I'm happy to say that they really suit each other, like they had the perfect chemistry.
Taec and I sat awkwardly beside each other. But to break the silence, I tried to speak first.
"What time does your class start, today?" I asked.
"9:30. Math." He replied. He looked bored the way he said it, he must be poor at math or something. Maybe I can be his private tutor. Oh come on Jess, don't be ridiculous, when that happens, there will be life on Mars.
"Do you like math?" He asked me in return. It's funny, though, that we talk about MATH early in the morning to try to get rid of the awkwardness. I just pushed back my glasses and slowly nodded. I like math, and getting to solve a problem gives me a relieved feeling I just can't explain. I know, weird..
"Oh.." He just said. OMG, please don't tell me that it was a turn off point that I sounded like a geek. I closed my eyes, hope he didn't see my expression full of regret.
"Nice," He added. I was shocked to hear him say that one particular word.
"Ne?" I replied. Looking shocked and all.
"Maybe you can be my private tutor?" He asked politely, showing a shy expression. Aish, this guy. He looks very manly and all but he has a soft side, how cuter can that be?
"You... want to be your.... tutor?" I asked, stuttering - out of words.
"Is it possible? But if you're busy-"
"No problem!" I cut him, before he takes back his words. Imagine me teaching him math, it's a perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other. This is very awesome.
He just smiled and said thanks. Seeing his facial expression, I can really tell that he's pleased as well, just like me.

The bus stopped and we've reached school. I can see Jason being a gentleman, looking after my friend. Taec and I got off the bus as well and the four of us crossed the street and into our school.
Jason and Jobie looked like they're saying their goodbyes since they're not classmates. Taec turned to face me the moment we reached th inside of the gate.
"So, I'll see you later?" Taec asked. He caught me off guard again.
"Later?" I asked, standing there looking stiff.
"Yeah, maybe I'll see you at the music hall, 5pm, after class." He said and without letting me say another word, he and Jason walked away.
Jason was walking beside Taec but his eyes are still glued to my friend. I may say so myself, Jason likes my friend. POSITIVE.

Seeing them walk away, I didn't even notice Jobie approach me. She just stood beside me and looked at me.
"Yah!" She said, giving me a fright. She laughed at seeing my expression.
"Looks like you and Taec are doing pretty well," She teased me. She's always been good at that.
I tried to avoid her statement by looking away. But I turned to her instead and tease her back instead.
"You and Jason are GOING OUT pretty well," I said, letting out a small laugh.
"We are not going out, well, not yet..." she said, looking dismayed.
"Don't worry my friend, I can sense that happening anytime soon," I told her as I patted her shoulder.
"Psshhhh, you and Taec look good, as I've said.. Look who likes Taec now," She said, laughing evily as she starts to walk.
"Yah! Tease me and I shall tease you back!" I said, following her back.
"Lalalala, whatever," She just said, laughing hysterically.
I jogged my way to catch up to her and I slid my arm into hers, looking like two sisters strolling in the park as we walked our way to class.

5PM, Music hall.. I shall be there...

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