Monday, January 24, 2011

3. Friday Night

Nothing feels better than hearing the bells ring and going out of the classroom on a Friday afternoon. But before the day ends, Mr. Bates never fails to spoil the good mood.
"Class, don't forget, we have a long quiz on Monday. Better read up those chapters," he said. I looked around the class and sees everyone busy packing their bags, like pretending they didn't hear anything. I see Jesse writing on her notebook, maybe taking a few keynotes from the board. Andrew was texting with his cellphone, as if there was no professor inside the classroom. I just continued to put my books and other things back in my bag.
After packing, I stood up and went towards Jesse's seat. She's just packing her things.
"You're heading home after class?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't have anywhere else to go, why?" She responded, looking up at me and pushing back her glasses.
"Nothing, I just asked." I just thought of asking that.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Andrew suddenly showed up behind me and startled me.
"You guys are going home on a Friday night? Oh, come on! There's no school tomorrow," he said.
"Why? Where do you plan to go?" I asked him.
"Well, wanna go watch a movie?" He asked me and Jesse.
"Well..." I didn't respond immediately. I looked at Jesse who's looking back at me.

"I guess..?" I replied with a tone of a question, meaning, I'm not so sure about his plan.
"Great! How about you, Jesse? Wanna come too?" He asked Jess.
"I think I'm gonna pass this time, but you two have fun, okay?" Jesse replied.
"You sure?" I asked her. Trying to persuade her to come with us by giving her a certain look, like trying to communicate through telepathy.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Jesse calmly replied.
"Alright then, if you say so. But next time, you promise you'll come with us, okay?" Andrew said. Jesse just gave us a faint smile and nodded.
Andrew started walking out the classroom and I was a bit left behind, saying goodbye to Jesse.
"Take care," I said, as I started to walk towards the door.
"Thanks," She replied.

We took the cab to the nearest mall. People have been looking at me and Andrew as we walk because we're wearing our uniforms. We're wearing beige colored coats, white polo shirts, plaided skirt for me and pants for Andrew. I'm wearing my all-time favorite shoes - white All Star Chucks.
We walked and walked, till we reached the theaters. We both stood in front of the ticketing table and with our heads up, we tried to look for a good movie to watch.
"What do you suggest?" Andrew said.
"You're call," I replied.
"Let's watch Black Swan," Andrew suggested. I just gave him a 'so-so' look.
"I wanna watch Sucker Punch," I said.
"What? Sucker Punch? Oh come on, Black Swan," He insisted.
"I have a better idea. Why don't we just watch what we want to watch? Sounds good, eh?" I suggested. He didn't respond immediately.
"What? I don't see you come up with better ideas. Watching both will cost us a lot," I said.
"Oh alright, you watch Sucker Punch, and I watch Black Swan," Andrew finally agreed. I couldn't have it any other way. Plus, I wonder what it feels like to watch a movie alone. The last time was when I saw Secret Garden the Movie with Jesse.

So we bought our tickets but both our screenings are not starting until an hour passes. So we decided to go get something to eat.
"You know what? I feel like we're having a date," Andrew said with a smile on his face. I looked at him with a blank face and a popcorn in between my lips, looking like a bum.
I threw the piece of popcorn I'm holding at his face.
"Gross," I said.
Andrew laughed at my reaction. "What?! I was just kidding! You're so not my type," He said.
"Thank God for that," I said, chewing on the piece of popcorn.
Andrew looks at his watch and said, "Come on, the movies are about to start. Don't finish those, save some for later."
We both got up and went to the theaters.

So there, we went our separate ways and entered the theaters. It's dark and the movie is about to start. Good thing there's an usher with a gigantic flashlight, lighting my way to my seat.
The moment I sat down, the opening credits started to roll - just in time.
I held on to my pack of popcorn, opened it and started eating it. Halfway before I finish the popcorn, I just rememebered, "Shit! I forgot my iced tea!" Oh well, I guess I just have to watch and eat without drinking.
Funny though, even if the movie already started 10 minutes ago, that's when the theater started to be packed. While watching, three guys sat in front of me.
So there, the movie was rolling, but these three guys in front of me keep on talking while watching - like immature kids reacting to every bomb that blows or the characters jumping off a cliff and not dying.
I couldn't resist myself so I lifted my right leg and kicked the back of the chair in front of me.
"Hey!" He turned around. I could only see his silhouette, his butt lifted from his seat. I shrank on my seat and covered half of my face with my bag, only my eyes are seen.
"What the hell did you do that for, huh?" He shouted. I looked around and saw people looking at us. People are starting to shout at him to shut him up.
Suddenly, the guy beside him stood up and made the angry guy sit down.
"Chill. Let it go, she's a lady, for Christ's sake. You gonna pick a fight inside the theater just for that?" He said. I looked at the guy and i saw is silhouette too.
I recognize something, his spiky hair, and the puffiness of his cheeks are clearly seen through his silhouette. I'm positive. I know who he is.
He turned to me and whispered, "Sorry for that."
I replied with the bag on covering my mouth, letting out a muffling sound, "It's okay."
So, I continued watching and I noticed that once in a while, he slightly turns his head and looks at me through the corner of his eye, but I didn't pay any attention to that and just continued watching the movie.

At the end, as the credits roll, I started to head for the door in fast walking speed. I didn't want to see who that mad person was. So I continued walking through the crowd. The moment I got out of the theater, I squinted my eyes for the bright lights blinded me. The moment I got out, I took out my cellphone and texted Andrew.
I'm done. Where are you? Message sent.
While waiting for his reply, someone taps me on my left shoulder. I turned around and I saw him, Jason, standing behind me. The moment he saw me, he smiled and let out a small laugh.
"I knew it was you," He said. I just smiled, feeling embarrassed.
"Sorry about what happened earlier," I said, looking down on my hands.
"No, no, it's not your fault. We were actually a bit noisy inside the theater so we are the ones who should apologize," He said. How can someone look to perfect while apologizing?
"It's okay," I said, smiling. I looked behind him and I noticed that he's alone.
"Where are your friends?" I asked them.
"Oh, uhm, I told them to go ahead. I thought it would be best if you guys don't meet each other after what happened inside, he might tease you or something," He said.
Gosh, this guy is unbelievable.
"Oh," I was seriously left speechless.
There was an awkward silence for a second, then someone texted me. It was Andrew.
"Waiting for someone?" Jason asked.
"WAS waiting for someone, but apparently, he told me not to wait for him anymore. He told me I should go ahead," I replied.
"Oh, would you mind if I walk you home?" He politely asked.
Seriously, with that face? I just couldn't say NO....

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