Wednesday, October 12, 2011

12. My Girl...

My P.O.V

Wooyoung parked the car in one of the empty spaces in the parking lot. The whole time he was driving, his left hand was holding my hand, caressing the back of my hand with his fingers. Sitting inside the car never felt this romantic when I'm not with the guy I love.

"This is where we're going?" I asked him as I peeked through the windshield, looking up.
"Yep, movies are always a good option for dates.. don't worry, whatever we're gonna watch, it won't be boring," He asked, unbuckling his seatbelt.
If I was clever enough, I'd think something's going on in his mind..
I just sat there for a moment, looking at him move; it's like seeing him moving in rhythms, very melodic, in a way.
I could just stare at him all day without getting tired of it.
He was about to get out of the car when I let out a soft sigh. He turns around and sees me sitting still and staring at him with a faint smile on my face. He sat back down on his seat and leaned towards me.
He unbuckles my seatbelt and as the belt retracts, he follows and his lips landed softly on mine.
I was caught off-guard but I didn't panic. We both closed our eyes and stayed like that for a few seconds, savoring every moment of it.
As we separated, he looked straight into my eyes as I did too.
And as he was going for a second attempt, I high-fived him right in his face and stuck like that and gave out a laugh.
"What the..!" He mumbled behind my palm.
I let go and cupped his face and gave him a peck on the tip of his nose. "Come on, babe, let's go have some fun!" I said, getting out of the car.

We were walking in the mall with my arm linked on his, just like how a couple are supposed to look like.
"What are we watching, tonight?" I asked him.
"I have no idea, let's see what's on," he said.
We walked our way to the ticket booth to see what movies are good.
We spent like a whole 10 minutes looking at the board, undecided.
"I know," Woo suddenly cuts the silence, "let's take a random pick!" He continued.
I threw him a 'huh?' look.
Woo closed his eyes and pointed on the board.
"Tell me when to stop," He said.
He started to move his arm vertically in a very fast motion.
"STOP!" I called, and Woo's arm halted.
He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Smurfs it is!" He said, and we both smiled.

We bought our tickets just to get sure seats and avoid the long queue.
"How about we get some dinner? I'm starving," I really am.
"Alright! You know the rule, babe. 'The girl never pays.' Got it?" He said to me. I just smiled and replied back, "Arasso, but just you wait. One day, I will get to treat you in my own way," I said, smiling back at him.

After a dinner of really awesome and delicious Korean food, we went back to the cinema, just in time before the film starts.
I waited outside the door while Woo got the popcorn and drinks.
He approached me carrying this HUGE bucket of cheese popcorn and one HUGE soda the size of a 1.5-liter coke.
"How on earth are we gonna finish that?!" I exclaimed the moment I saw it.
"What? It'll be fine, trust me. It's called mindless eating, you won't notice you're eating a lot coz of your attention glued to the movie," He explained, trying to reason out himself.
"But......." I looked at my body, "....... my weight."
"Come on, babe, I'll still love you with all my heart even if you're 200 pounds!" He said, giving me a peck on the lips.
Jeez, he always gets away with it....

We entered the cinema and the lights are still on, we had good seats and the moment we sat down, the lights started to dim and the movie started rolling - just like on cue.

La la la la la la, Sing a Happy Song
La la la la la la, Smurf the whole day long!

Damn, that song's really glued to my head, replaying and replying nonstop.
The movie was cute, we all laughed at funny scenes and stuff like that.
Woo and I just shared the huge popcorn and drink. Well, we already kissed so sharing one straw is no big deal.

In the middle of the movie, while I was watching, Woo tapped me on my shoulder and asked,
"Babe, do you still want any of this? Coz I'm full," he whispered.
"No, it's okay, I'm good," I replied without looking at him.
I can see it in the corner of my eye, I think this guy's up to something.

Suddenly, I can feel his face getting nearer and nearer to mine. He's like, leaning in for a kiss on my cheek.
Like right on cue, there was a sudden flash of light coming from behind us. And the moment the light flashed, Woo leaned his head on his shoulder, like hiding for cover.
I laughed at his cute act.
Mission to kiss, FAIL.

"Tell me, what on earth are you guys up to??" The guy behind us leaned and whispered to me.
Wait a minute, that was a familiar voice.
We both looked at each other and turned our heads at the same time.
With the help of the light from the screen, we can see Junho and Khun laughing at the both of us.
"What the hell....." I murmured under my breath.
"It is none of your business." Woo answered back to them who are mimicking Wooyoung and I when Woo was attempting the kiss.
We faced forward again and didn't mind the two of them.
"Don't mind them two, they're just being jerks. Jealous coz they don't have girlfriends to bring to dates." Woo said to me while trying to make Junho and Khun hear his point.
"it's okay," I replied back.
So there, we watched the movie till it finishes.

After the movie, Wooyoung grabbed my hand and we made our way to the exit, making sure Junho and Khun lose track of us before they tease us even more.

The moment we made it in the car, we both laughed and caught our breaths.
"Hop in, I'm taking you someplace else," Woo told me.
"But it's already 11:00pm, and it's graduation tomorrow, we wouldn't want to look hung-over tomorrow, don't we?" I asked him with a little pout on my face.
Woo looked up, closed his eyes and smiled. "Come on, we won't be long," He said as he kissed me on the lips.
He opened the door and I slid in. He sat on the driver seat and the engine roared to life. We were on our way to our second destination.

Before I knew it, I was sleeping like a baby in the passenger seat. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw a jacket over me, must be Woo's. But Woo's not in his seat either.
I panicked for a while, then I saw Woo outside the car, sitting on the hood.
"Hey," I said softly. He was lying on the windshield, looking at the stars with his arms folded behind his neck.
"Hey," he greeted me back as he held out his hand to help me sit beside him.
We both leaned on the windshield and stared at the stars. The car was parked in a spot where we're actually facing the Han River and the beautiful Banpo bridge with the colorful lights.
"Wow, it's really beautiful here," I said. As I turned my head sideways to look at him, I found out he's already staring at me.
"You are..." He said to me, with the warmest voice and smile.
This time, I was the one who leaned in and kissed him. It was passionate in some way. He was stroking my hair while kissing.
After that, we separated and I leaned my head on his shoulder while his arm was around mine.

It was a magical moment, and I didn't want that night to end.

Taec's P.O.V

It's already late in the night, but I can't find myself to sleep.
I just lied beside Jess on the bed, looking at her sleeping face while caressing her cheeks and stroking her hair.
She looked so perfect to me.
I couldn't resist kissing her on the forehead.
I leaned closer and pecked her lightly.
The moment I gave her a peck, my eyes grew bigger, not with excitement or anything, but with anxiety. Her temperature's not right.
I took a good look at Jesse's face and I saw her face sweating out cold sweat.
She's sleeping but her eyebrows are close together, showing a sign that she's feeling uncomfortable.
In a matter of seconds, she started shaking. I got furious.
I tried to wake her up but she can't seem to wake up.
Her temperature's rising like mad.
I panicked for a while, didn't know what to do.
I wanted to call Jobie and ask for her help, but no. Jesse is my girl, and I shall deal with this myself.
I went outside to get a basin of warm water and a towel.
I went back inside the room and I saw Jess curled up like a shrimp on the bed.
It's not easy seeing her like this, it's painful.
I opened her closet, found a sweater and a pair of jogging pants, she needs to fight her fever.

I moved Jess position into lying straight on her back.
I dipped the towel in the water and started to wipe her face gently.
I knew she came to her senses when she suddenly muttered, "Taec," over and over again.
"Shhhh, I'm here, baby, don't worry," As I continued to wipe her face and arms.
I hesitated for a while but I just need to do it, she can't stay sick in my arms.
I turned my head, trying not to look at her. I lifted her hoodie and took it off. As much as I wanted to not look, I still need to.
I dipped and wiped and dipped and wiped. I tried to lift her up and rest her chin on my shoulder just so I could wipe her back thoroughly.
After doing so, I slipped the sweater on her to keep her warm and comfortable.
"I'm so sorry, Jess, I just have to," I muttered by myself.
Luckily, I noticed her wearing shorts so I don't have to take it off before wiping.
I started to wipe her long legs and as I wiped, I smiled at my own thoughts.
"Aish, this woman, wearing shorts, but it's alright, since she has nice long legs"
Okay, stop it Taec, you sound like a pervert.

Okay, now's the part. I can feel my heartbeat beating faster and faster. I shall not take a peek.
I took off her shorts by just looking at her feet. I grabbed the pants and slid her legs inside without feeling like a pervert.
And in an instant, Jess is all cleaned up. And I can see in her face that she looks a lot more comfortable now..
I smiled at my own thought.
I put the basin and the towel aside, just so if I suddenly need it again.
I climbed to the bed beside her.
She's starting to feel a lot more comfortable since she lied on her side, facing me.
I took off my shirt and hanged it at the back of the chair beside the bed.
I held her close in my arms, keeping her warm.
"Charanda, Taecyeon ah, charanda....." I thought to myself, smiling.

One night wouldn't hurt, I'm sure Jobie would understand......

Thursday, September 1, 2011

11. Pre-graduation Dates

My Narration

It seems just like yesterday when Jess and I first met Wooyoung and Taecyeon. Time flies so fast that we didn't even realize, three years it has been.
Now, we're seniors, and we are serious.

Woo and I have been dating, continuously - not to mention the other girls chasing him while we were dating and the death notes I've been receiving.
But I'm still thankful that he's always by my side who protects me whenever there are people attempting to harm me. Good luck or bad luck? I don't really understand. But all I know is that we have each other, and it's all that matters. Right? :)

Jess and Taec are the most talked couple in the university. Taec became the MVP of our school's basketball team, and Jesse, you might ask? She evolved from my quiet school nerd best friend to our university's top model. You can see her in almost all campaigns, posters, and other stuff like that. She's beautiful, plus she's tall and has long straight jet-black hair, envied by almost all of the girls in the campus. Taec and Jess were too perfect to be true and all couples in the university envied the two of them.

Nothing much happened in a span of three years.
Oh right! Let's have a recap of what had happened when we were just first year noobs.

Well, I got out of detention due to fainting. YES. Exactly! It's was just that simple.
And Jess? She forgived Taec.
Jesse told me all about what happened between the two of them.
That Mir guy? He disappeared after Taecyeon claimed Jess as his girl. Mir said he'll just go back to the states and maybe he'll find someone there. Awesome, right? Jess being courted by two handsome and dashing guys.
Well, unlike me who's just been receiving all those notes, telling me to leave Wooyoung alone.

Oh yeah, remember Junho? The guy who sat behind me in class who helps me pass my notes to Jess? He's part of our clique now. It seems like he met taecyeon during a basketball match and the two became good friends. Plus, Junho loves dancing, which made him and Wooyoung good friends too.

During our second year, along came Chansung - the thick-legged charismatic smart guy from Section C. Whoever thought that this guy would be part of our group? Well, he used to be the one whom other students copy notes from, until one day he realized his passion for b-boying. He didn't used to be people's favorite guy. But now, he's whom every guy wants to be. Smart, artistic, charismatic - what else could girls ask for?

Ever since I was a kid, I've always loved singing and dancing - well, basically, I just love the idea of performing.
We were in our third year when we met this other guy. He's one year ahead of us, our sunbae.
But because of his love and passion for singing and writing songs on his own, he got left behind during third year and thus, we became classmates.
His name is Junsu. He's popular for singing loudly in school corridors, in the cafeteria, and practically everywhere you can think of. You'll even know who's inside the bathroom if you pass by. Junsu, the singer, his high and unique voice captures every person's heart. We talk about music sometimes, after class, in between class, or sometimes, during class.
Thus, he became one of us and the rest of the group welcomed him freely.

And last but not the least, the third year transferee from Thailand, Nichkhun.
He practically outnumbered all the good-looking guys in the campus because of his charming looks. Although he wasn' really good in speaking Korean, he's lucky that he became classmates with Wooyoung and the two became very good friends, more like brothers actually.
Since he's partly Chinese partly Thai who's staying in Korea, Wooyoung and the rest of the guys help him out in his Korean while Jess and I help him in his Chinese.

So there. 6 handsome guys and 2 girls. All in one group.
Are we lucky or what?!

And today is the graduation eve - is there even such a thing?

My P.O.V

I spent half an hour standing in front of the mirror, figuring out what type of hairstyle I should do for today. I raised my arms and held up my hair in a ponytail.
I put it down. Then tried half ponytail.
Put it down again. I put a headband. Took it off.
I clipped my bangs, I have a wide forehead.

Suddenly, Jesse came knocking at the door.
"Yahh, woman, are you done? I gotta pee!" she said as she pounded on the door with her fist.
"Just a second!" I shouted, made sure she hears me.
"Aishhh!" I exclaimed to myself, seeing how hard it is to maintiain my hair. It's has like, no shape at all. Just blah.
I gathered all my things and opened the door. I see Jesse standing behind the door frame on the right, leaning on the wall.
"Phew! Finally! I thought the you got flushed already," She said.
I got out and she used the bathroom.
I headed to my room and picked out what I should wear.
Since it's pretty warm today, shorts. Hmm... Pants? I can't decide!

After a few minutes of rummaging over my clothes, Jesse appeared at my door.
"Come on Jobes, he's still gonna love you even though you're in a paper bag, he wouldn't care!" Jesse said, arms folded.
I sighed loudly and said, "you know what, you're right,"
I got a plain shirt, a pair of shorts, and my wedges.
"Oooohh, Someone's wearing heels today," Jesse said, teasing me with a smug on her face.
"Whatever, my Chucks needs to rest," I said.
"Alriiiight." She said, "Where is he taking you again?"
"I have no idea, he didn't tell me," I said. "How about you? Don't you have a date to go to?" I asked as I marched my way into the bathroom to get changed.
"Nahh, he didn't ask me out for today. Besides, tomorrow's our graduation and we're all gonna celebrate with the guys tomorrow night, anyway," She said.
"But won't tonight be more special? Especially for you and Taec since it's gonna be just the two of you?" I asked, opening the door and getting out.
"Iono," Jess mumbled. I just laughed at her reaction, being an innocent little girlfriend.

Suddenly, someone rang the door.
I went to the door and opened it. It was Wooyoung.
"Did I make my lady wait?" He asked.
I threw him a '-.- look and said, "come on, you live next door," I said.
"I know, and that's what's awesome about it," He said as he leaned in for a kiss, "Hi babe."
"Hi," I said back.
"You ready?" He asked me, looking at me from head to toe.
"Yeah I'll just go get my bag," I replied as I hurried to get my bag which I left in the room.

"No plans today?" Wooyoung asked Jess.
"Nope, is T home?" She asked back.
"I think he went out for a while, he'll be back soon," He said.
I appeared at the door and I saw Jess nodding to Wooyoung's response.
"Let's go?" I asked.
Woo stepped outside the house first and as I stepped outside the door, Jess called out to me.
"Don't be home so late, graduation tomorrow," She said.
I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, "Bye Jess, see you later, Love yah!" I replied.

Woo and I walked to his car and the moment we both sat at the seats, I asked him immediately.
"So, where are we going?" I asked him.
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asked me back.
I rolled my eyes and put my fingers underneath my chin, doing the thinking pose.
"Hmmm, let me think," I joked around.
He laughed at my expression and grabbed my chin and kissed the tip of my nose. I blushed.
I can feel the heat in my face.
"I think I know where we're going," he said as he drove away from the parking lot.

Jesse's P.O.V

So boring. Nothing to do.
I lied lazily on the couch, going through the channels on tv but there's nothing interesting to watch.
I look at the clock and see the time, 6:30pm.
Shall I go out by myself? Or should I just stay inside?
Oh well, I thought of making myself dinner since it's almost dinner time anyway.

I walked my way to the kitchen to see what's available for solo dinner.
I opened the cupboard and sees a few cups of ramen. Not interested in ramen tonight.
I walked to the fridge and opened the door. I took a peek inside.
"Cripes, we need some serious grocery shopping to do," I said to myself.
Maybe I'll just go out and eat by myself.

I looked at the shorts I'm wearing at the moment, I can just wear these shorts.
I went to my room and put on my Superman hoodie.
Went outside and tied my hair on a loose bun and wore my black rimmed glasses.
"Slippers for tonight," I said to myself as I slip on my favorite pair of black havaianas.

Just as I head for the door, my phone suddenly rang.
"Hello?" I picked up.
"Hey J, you home?" It was T.
"Hey T, I was just heading out, why?" I asked him back.
"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked me back again.
"Nope, actually I was just about to go out to get myself some dinner, how about you? Have you eaten?" I asked back. Neverending questions.
"Great! Come to the door," T said. I got curious so I opened the front door.
T was standing there, holding a box of pizza and a bag of other stuff.
"I just thought you'd be alone tonight," T said to me, smiling at me.
"Hey babe!" I said, feeling very happy of his way of surprise. I leaned in to hug him. He hugged me with all those things in hand. After letting go comes with a kiss.
"Thought of bringing dinner to you and staying in since Woo and Jobie are out," He said as he stepped in.
"Pizza!!!" I exclaimed. T laughed at my reaction.
"I knew you'd love to have pizza for tonight, I sensed it," He said as he put down the things on the counter.
"Ohhhh you sensed it up there?" I asked him, leaning to him and pointing at his right temple.
He gently took my hand and places it on his firm left chest.
"No, in here," He said. We both smiled.
We both leaned in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms are around my waist. The kiss lasted for a few seconds. But it felt like a lifetime.
As soon as we parted I said to him, "Thanks, T. I love you."
"I love you more, J," He replied back.
"I'm starving," I said to him. He just laughed at me.
Aside from the pizza, there's a huge coke standing on the counter, and a few bags of chips that we both like.

We both had a pizza dinner first in the dining table then after that we went to pick a cheesy romantic film to watch and we chose "A Walk To Remember".
We watched the film while eating chips, lights closed, both cuddled up in the couch.
There were a few scenes in which I cried and Taec wiped away my tears, especially in the ending part.
After the movie ended, I was still sitting beside Taec, looking dumbfounded with tears in my eyes.
"J, are you alright?" He asked me.
I looked up to him with tears falling from my eyes, "Yeah I'm fine, it's just that, I don't ever want to lose you," I said to him.
"Sshhh.. baby, I will be with you no matter what, remember that," He whispered to me as he continuously wipes my tears away.
Sitting in the couch hugging my knees, he hugged me very tightly like he's hugging a baby.
"You'll always be my baby," He said.

Taec carried me to my room while I was sleeping and laid me down on my bed.
I slightly woke up the moment he put me down. He stoke my face and the moment he tries to go out of the room, I grabbed his hand.
Without words, He smiled at me, gently sat on my bed and slowly curling up on the bed beside me.
We're both lying on the bed sidewards and we're facing each other.
He gently kissed my forehead as I continue to sleep like a baby.

Goodnight, my love....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

10. Something One Cannot Fake

and in 5...4...3...2...1........

Jason's P.O.V

What the hell is she thinking? She's going the wrong way!

I tried to persuade her into coming back to the shade, but she totally ignored me, like she didn't hear me at all.
But her hard-headedness didn't stop me from calling out to her.
I was this close to going out to the sunlight to drag her back to the shade and into the office but then....
"Oh my God, Jobie!!!!!!!!!" I screamed after her.
It looked like her soul left her body and her body free-falled to the pavement.
I quickly ran to her and as soon as I got near her, I bent on my knees and carried her head.
I kept tapping her cheeks, trying to wake her up. I am embraced by guilt and furiousness..
Any minute now, my tears are gonna start falling.
"Please, Jobie, wake up! I'm sorry... I.. I'm so.. I'm so sorry.." I said as I start sobbing.

Suddenly, the detention guy ran and knelt in front of me.
"What happened to her?" He asked me, looking furious as well.
"I don't know, she just stood her and the next thing was she fell to the ground. Please, help her!"
I was begging the detention guy.
I am seriously feeling very guilty about this, I didn't expect it to end this way.
"Don't worry, leave her to me," the detention guy told me as he carries Jobie in his arms.
As he was doing so, I saw a lot of students and nurses running to where we are.
I wonder how they all knew what happened?

I felt sorrow as I see the detention guy slowly getting his balance with Jobie in his arms. I held Jobie's hand and didn't let go till the detention guy started walking away.
I suddenly felt a tight squeeze on my fingers.
How could it be? She's unconscious... Right?

After a few students and teachers, I saw Jesse running behind them, and Taec's with her as well.
Jesse came up to me panting, "What the hell happened?" She asked while catching her breath.
"I don't know, she was just standing there and she fainted," I replied.
Taec was standing behind Jesse but his long arms made him capable of placing his hand on my shoulder, "Wooyoung ah, gwenchana?" I just nodded back to his question.
I saw Jesse's expression became weirded out, but she didn't turn to ask Taec directly.
"Wooyoung? That's your name?" Jesse asked me.
"Yeah, I just used Jason as my nickname, but people close to me really call me Wooyoung," I replied her.
"Ohh," she replied.
We were all squinting out eyes under the sun, all looking at the direction where Jobie was being taken to.
"I hope she'll be alright," Jesse said.
"Me too," I followed, "And Jess, I'm really sorry," I tried to apologize.
"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault," She said to me.
We all then slowly walked towards the school clinic, but something's still bugging my mind.
Was she conscious this whole time?

"So Taec, where are you headed?" I asked him.
He didn't reply to me immediately, but he looked at Jesse for a while before replying, looking sad. I looked at Jesse but she just looked straight while walking, like she doesn't care.
"I don't know," He just muttered out, "I suppose you guys are going to the clinic?"
"Yeah, hyung, I just can't leave her by herself," I replied.
There was a moment of silence and all we can hear is the sound of our footsteps in the hallway.
"I guess I better be going, I'll see you at home tonight then, Woo," He told me.
I looked to him and we both exchanged a closed smile.
"I'll talk to you soon, Jess," He told Jesse who's walking in front of her.
Jesse just looked at him with the side of her eyes, trying to avoid his greeting.
Taec then walks in a different direction to where we are going.

"Hey," I called Jesse as I tapped her shoulder.
"Yeah?" She stopped and turned to look at me.
"I don't want to get into your business, but what's up with you and Taec? You guys look like you don't get along well. Did something wrong happen?" I asked continuously.
She sighed a deep breath.
"Let's just walk and I'll tell you as we go along," She told me.
So we both walked our way as she opened up to me, telling everything about what happened..

My P.O.V

I swear, I'm not gonna open my eyes till I'm sure it's Jason beside my bed.

I hear nurses talking, people asking stuff like "what happened to the girl?"
People can be nosy sometimes, they just can't get their noses out of other people's business.
The school nurse placed her hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature.
"Her temperature's a bit hot," the nurse said. Wow, thanks to the blazing heat of the sun, my plan totally worked out fine. But deep inside, I kinda feel sorry and guilty for making Jason worry like crazy. Well, he is worried about me, isn't he?

Suddenly, I heard people at the door of the clinic, begging to get in.
"Please, she's my friend, I have to see her," With my eyes closed, I bet that was Jesse.
"Please let us in, we really need to make sure she's okay," another one said, Jason.
Suddenly, the nurse got tired of trying to keep them out of the clinic and finally gave in.
"Oh alright, but just the two of you," she said.
In a few seconds time, someone suddenly held my hand. It was Jason.
There he was with Jesse, I can feel both of them even wit my eyes closed.
Suddenly, the nurse approached the three of us, "since you two are here, why don't you look after her for just a short while, I just have to talk to the doctor," she said.
"Sure," they both said. I can feel Jason's thumb caressing the back of my hand very gently.
I heard the sound of the door closing.

I opened my eyes and sat up to my bed. I can see Jason's and Jesse's shocked expression.
"Boo!" I shouted.
"Yah woman!! Gwenchana?? You got us worried sick!" Jesse told me.
I laughed softly at her surprised reaction.
"I'm fine, don't worry, just a bit dizzy though. That detention dude doesn't know how to lift a girl well, sheesh!" I exclaimed.
A smile spread across Jason's face as he suddenly hugs me, caught me off guard.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he whispered to me. I folded my arms, hugging him back.
As we separated from the hug, he asked me, "What really happened?"
"Well, I was conscious the whole time, I pretended to faint so that we don't need to run anymore," I explained.
"What?! You're crazy woman!" Jesse exclaimed. Her reaction made me laugh.
"Sorry, Jess, I don't have any other plan besides that," I said. I opened my arms.
At first Jesse was hesitant, "you know I'm not a very touchy person, but alright, now is an exeption."
She came to me and gave me the warmest hug a girl can get from her best friend, ever since I started college, Jesse's like a little sister to me.
"I'm just glad you're okay," She told me.
"Oh yeah, where's Taec? How did the 5pm rendezvous go?" throwing her a smug.
Jesse looked at Jason and Jason looked back at her.
"Is there something I should know?" I asked, shifting my glance at both of them.
"Maybe I'll tell it to you at home," she replied. Alright, there is really something I should know.

Suddenly, the door opened again and the three of us were caught off guard, I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes immediately. Jason was like pretending he was sad, so did Jesse.
"Thank you for looking after her," the nurse replied, "I guess she's gonna have to rest off a few days," she continued.
"I guess we'd better get going, let her rest more," Jason said.
The nurse went back to her desk and I saw a shadow lean towards me.
A pair of lips landed softly on my forehead. I melted. Even though I had to pretend I was unconscious, I could help myself but to open my eyes a bit.
Jess held my hand and went for the door. Jason walked behind her and he's looking back at me as he walked. I gave him a small wink, he smiled, and he was out the door.
I lied down comfortably, falling into deep sleep. Well, running around campus can be pretty tiring..

Jesse's P.O.V

It's 6pm, and it's already dark.
I have a blank mind....... I don't know what to feel, what to think.. I feel BLAH...

It's sad that I have to walk my way home by myself. Wonder where that Taec go.
Oh come on, Jess. Why do you have to think of him, out of all people?!
Erase.. Erase.. Erase..

I stepped into our condominium building. I approached the elevator, and it has a paper stick to the doors.
"Under construction, please take the stairs."
Great, just GREAT.
I let out a deep sigh.
Well, we just live in the 8th floor.. It's a piece of cake. *damn it*
I pushed the door and entered to take the stairs.

As I went inside, there was a huge paper taped to the wall.
"And now your journey begins...."
What the hell is this?! Is this some kind of a prank? Oh come on...
I followed the signs and there are weird stuffs and saying written on pieces of colored papers. There are even foot shape-cut papers taped to the stairs, like a pair of soles walking up the stairs...

1St floor: And now your journey begins....
2Nd floor: Jesse, I was naive about what happened...
3rd floor: I am...
4th floor: Really...
5th floor: Sorry for breaking your heart..
6th floor: I really didn't mean it
7th floor: I was so stupid....
8th floor: And now, I just want you to know..........

I must admit, taking the stairs has never been this interesting..

I opened the door and there are arrows taped to the wall, showing the path to our door.
There was a very cute cuddly bear sitting outside out door, and it had a small note rolled up and tied to its neck.
I picked up the teddy bear and opened the note to see what was written.
"You're the most beautiful nerd in the whole wide world ♥
P.S. Please come to the rooftop. I'll be waiting.."

I had a mix of emotions.. All my head was thinking was TAEC, THIS BETTER BE YOU!!

Like on cue, the elevator was working and it opened on my floor.
I took the elevator and made my way to the rooftop.
I slowly walked and there he was, standing there with a long-stemmed yellow rose on his hand.
I approached him and he's smiling back at me. To be honest, it felt like all my doubts and heartaches vanished in an instant.
"So this is your idea of apologizing?" I asked him with a smirk on my face.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked me. Oh God, why does he have to look so gorgeous?!
"Yeah," I replied and smiled at him.
"This is for you," He handed me the beautiful yellow rose. It was very bright despite the dark sky..
We both stared at each other's eyes, but this time, it did not feel awkward at all.
Like telepathy, we both leaned and gave each other a tight warm hug..

Now it's settled, we're positive of what we both feel, and it's something one cannot fake. ♥

Monday, August 8, 2011

9. Furious with Shattered Hearts

Jesse's P.O.V

Damn it, Taec! You just don't get it do you?
Even thought I'm like this, walking away with my pride, I was kinda hoping you'd come after me!

But you didn't.

I kept walking down the hallway, can't stop the tears from falling. And I feel like I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, and feel that huge lump in my throat when I try to stop my tears.
I felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces.
I kept walking, trying to keep my balance even though I feel like the ground was breaking on me.
Suddenly, I saw two people running across the hall, holding hands..
They looked like they're being chased by something, looking back from time to time while running.

"Jobie??" I yelled after.
I was sure that was her. I could recognize her copper brown hair, her thick calves (like Chansung's, a guy in section C, but feminine size), not to mention her height and her white Chucks.
So I guess Jason 'pulled her out' of detention. What a smart, sweet guy.
She didn't look back so I decided to run after them both.

I ran like crazy till...
I fell to the floor for bumping into the detention guy.
"So!!! how many times shall I fall on my butt this school term? Cripes!" I wasn't aware that I said it out loud.
"Excuse me?! What's with the tone young lady??" He asked me in a louder voice.
We both got up and dusted ourselves but I was embarrassed so I kept my head looking down to the floor.
"Sorry," I said, but in a very small tone of voice he can barely hear.
"Never mind." He said. "Did you see two students who happened to run past here?" he asked.
I knew he was looking for Jobie and Jason, so as Jobie's best chinggu, I shall protect her.
I shook my head no.
It seemed like the detention guy treated me as a rest stop as he continued running after them without answering back after I replied to his question.

I was left standing there until suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I didn't turn around.
Suddenly, his tap became a firm (but at the same time soft) grip on my shoulder and turned me around to face him.
There he is, standing right in front of me with his hand still on my shoulder.
"Jess, we need to talk," he said calmly.
I didn't give him a bitch stare, I just couldn't.
So dusted off his hand off my shoulder and he didn't fight it.
"I'm not in the mood to talk right now," I replied, calmly, too.
He slightly bent his head to level with my face, like taking a peek. I guess he saw the trails of dried tears from my eyes down my cheeks.
"Are you crying?" He asked, looking at me with those sad puppy eyes.
I looked away, trying to not let him see, when in fact, all I was trying was is to avoid his eyes.
"You're a nice guy, Taec, but I'm just not up to talking right now. I wanna be alone," I said.
As I turned around and started to slowly walk away, he called after me.
"Jess, I can explain what happened," He tried to sound convincing.
I inhaled deeply, turned around again to face him.
I had the courage to confront him, "Look, in other people's eyes I am just a typical nerd, the one who always studies, the one who's always alone. Knowing you even for just a little while made me feel that I'm more than just that typical nerd girl. But I guess false hopes can just bring you down in an instant. Tell me, did you see me as more than that? Right now, I don't know how you think of me. 'Cause if you ask me, it just feels like you're not different from the others."

There, I said it.
And there's no taking back.
I swear it ached more the moment I saw his expression when I said that mini speech.
But I'm a girl. My heart and pride was hurt.
I turned around and by the time I did, we both saw students running down the hall.
Something's up and I need to find out what it is.

Students were running, then along came some teachers...
then the school guard....
then the school nurse.......
okay, something's not good.

I suddenly see the ahjussi janitor in the library, walking along with the crowd. But since he walks slower compared to the others, I managed to catch up to him. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
"Ahjussi, what happened? What's the fuss all about?" I asked, curious.
"Ahh, actually, everyone's just curious, but I heard that a girl fainted somewhere near the office," he replied.
"Are you serious?!?!" I asked him, starting to panick as it came to my mind that it might be Jobie since she ran in the direction towards the office.
"Thanks, Ahjussi, I'll talk to you later!" I started to run my way to see.
"Jess, wait up! I'll go with you!" Taec said as he ran behind me.

My P.O.V

I'm seriously starting to run out of breath. I wonder if Jason is feeling the same way.
While running, suddenly, Jason pulled my hand and we both hid in a corner with a shade.
We both panted nonstop, catching out breaths. I can barely open my eyes and I can feel the heat coming out from my body. Wooyoung squinted his eyes shut tightly, gasping for air.
"Are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at me.
"You look pale," He said, I can see panic written all over his face even though it was dark.
He cupped my face with both of his hands.
My eyes were like that of a drunk, half open, looking directly at Jason who's looking extremely furious.

"I must get you to the nurse, I'm so sorry for letting you run like that," He said, with his hands still cupping my face.
The moment I kinda caught up with my breath, I held his hands and told him in a soft tone of voice, "I'm fine, don't worry to much," I said, letting out a small laugh.
He suddenly grabbed me and held me tight in his arms. It felt like heaven.
"Please, don't fall sick," He said, holding and hugging me very tightly.
If only I can pause that moment. It felt like forever.

The moment we separated from the hug, he held my hand again, "come on, we're near the office," he said.
But I walked in the opposite direction, going back to where we came from.
As I was walking my way and exposing myself under the sun, like a drunk, I saw the detention guy jogging, finding his way. He started to run towards me the moment he saw me standing there.
"Jobie! Wrong way! Get back here!" I heard Jason telling me. But I didn't move.
"Jobie! Come on! He's near!" He kept telling me.

"You there! Stop right there!" The detention guy pointed at me like I'm some sort of a criminal.
and in 5...4...3...2...1.......

"Oh my God!! Jobie!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, July 11, 2011

8. Take Me Away, Why Don't You...

My P.O.V

Seriously, I can hear the clock ticking. I look around and all I see are people sitting down, dozing off. This is just plain boring and I'm wasting my time. I look at the front, even the person who handles the 'detention' class is dozing off.
"At least make me erase boards or something!" I said, but looking at their reaction, I don't think anyone even heard what I said.
"This is shit boring....." I said to myself.
Suddenly, through the glass I saw Jason standing outside the door, looking for someone inside the room. The moment he spotted me inside the class, he starts to motion his hand to me to get myself out of the room.
I silently grabbed my things and slowly stood up from my chair.
Without no one stopping me, I got out of the classroom.

Jason's P.O.V.

Even though I was just standing outside the room, I was a bit nervous cause one mistake, people will know she's making a run for it.
Jobie slowly opens the door from the inside and I stepped back.
"Whew! That was a close one!" She said, patting her chest. "How did you know I was here?"
Gosh, can she not look at me like that?? She has no idea she makes me want to hug her with her looking like that.
"Uhm, Jess told me," I just silently said.
"Ohh.." She just replied.
It was a bit awkward now.
"Uhm..." I was thinking of something to say, but then she cut me.
"Thanks... uhm.. for coming to see me," she said, giving off a shy smile.
"No problem, anything for you," I shyly replied. The moment she heard 'anything for you', she gave me that look, like she heard something fishy from me.

I know I'm out of my mind, but I just want her to know.
I quickly grabbed her waist and hugged her. She was completely dumb-founded that her hands and body were stiff.
"No matter what happens, always remember that you're unique and extraordinary..." I said.
After I let her go, she stared at me, like she was possessed or something.
"You can speak if you want to," I told her, looking her straight in the eyes.
After a moment of silence and stiffness, she dropped her bag on the floor and wraps her arms around me.
Without saying anything, I completely understood what that meant.
The moment she let me go, we smiled at each other. I bent down to pick up her bag and walked in the hallway. As we walked, I slowly grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. She looked at me, smiling, blushing.
This is one of the moments I would love to freeze in time.

But suddenly, we both heard someone bang the door open. Jobie's eyes grew very big, so did mine. We looked back and we both saw the detention dude looking at us and pointing at Jobie.
I held her hand tight and we both ran like the wind. It was EPIC.

Jesse's P.O.V

"Who was that?" I said, pointing behind me.
"Who?" Mir asked me back. I looked at the door and no one's there.
"The person who banged the door.." I awkwardly asked him.
"Oh, that was nothing. Don't mind it," He told me.
I was just standing there, couldn't believe that Mir is actually here inside the room with me.
He was actually my first childhood crush, but then he had to move away to America to continue his studies.
"How are you, Jess? It's been a while," He said, still flashing that smile of his that I completely remember from the past.
"I've been good, you?" I asked him back.
"Same here," He said.
Another awkward silence in between. He slowly walked towards where I'm standing.
"I missed you, Jess," He told me. I seriously didn't know how to respond.
"I.... missed you too," I just replied, not thinking if that's what I really meant.
"After all these years, I've been thinking a lot about you," He said.
It's like every phrase he says, he takes one step towards me.
"What does that mean?" I asked him back.
"Before when we were kids, I didn't know things such as childhood crush, first loves, puppy loves, and stuff like that," He explained in a cheesy way.
"Uh-huh," I just muttered under my breath..
"But when I was abroad, I became more matured and started understanding things like this."
What does this person want? Why is suddenly coming here and saying all these things to me now?
"Jess, I...." He took his last step and stopped right in front of me.
"I like you," He continued.
Seriously, that was the most awkward thing I've ever heard in my life.
What the hell's wrong with me?? Here he is, confessing his love for me, but why don't I feel anything? Am I not attracted to him anymore? Confused much!
"Hehe, Uhm.. *clears throat*.. Uhm, Wow," I just blurted out.
He looked at me, as if he's waiting for me to say something like that back at him.
"Thanks!" I just said. I just cannot say it back.
He looked disappointed, not hearing say what he wants to hear.
"Jess, I came all the way to Seoul to confess my feelings for you, I even asked for T's help...." I suddenly had to cut him short.
"W-w-wait... T?" I asked him, looking a bit shocked.
"Yeah, my friend from the States who lives here in Korean too, he moved back here to Seoul way earlier than I did," He explained to me.

Shit! So this was it! T must be Taec! So he's the one in charge of this awkward meeting.
False hope...... And I thought at 5pm, I would be.... *sigh* nevermind..

I just lost my reason to be smile and excited. I just stood there, blur-faced, and staring at the floor.
"I can see you're not happy," he told me.
I just had to stop and think for a while. After a few seconds, I just had to get my senses back.
"I...." my mouth opened..
"Yes?" He said.
"I, uhm.. I... need to go...." I said, pointing my thumb behind me as I started to turn around and walk away.
"Jess, wait," I heard him call after me. But I didn't care at all....

I headed outside the music hall. And there he is, squatting with his face buried in his palms.....

Taec's P.O.V

Checks time. 5pm. Just in time.
I wonder if she's here already...

I slowly opened the door to see if the plan is going well. I see Jesse walking towards the piano, and Mir's playing..
I tried to evesdrop but then, my hand slipped from the doorknob and the door slammed shut.
I slapped my forehead, "Shit!"

But wait, why is it that this doesn't feel right for some reason?...
Why do I suddenly feel like I want to barge into the music hall and take her hand and run away?
Why do I feel like this?
Why do I feel my heart beating faster than average when I'm around her?
Why? Why?? WHY???
I squatted on my knees and buried my face on my palms.

I tried to erase my thoughts, but it's hard.. Freakin' hard...
It's quiet.
Did they just stop talking?
Did they kiss and make up?
Did they......

Suddenly, the door opened and I saw Jesse standing there. She saw me outside the door.
I quickly stood up and faced her, "Jess," I said.
She looked at me with a new facial expression that I've never seen her do before..
She looked sad, but puzzled, and disappointed at the same time.

She turned around and walked away in a fast pace.. I wanted to go after her so badly, but I just didn't........

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

7. What's Happening?

My P.O.V

Nothing bores me more other than sitting in class, listening to all the nonsense our teacher tells us. Seriously, Mr. Bates is like the worst teacher a student will ever meet. He stands there, talks about frogs and stuff. We're not even little children anymore! We're college students, for Christ' sake!
I had my chin rested on my palm, my eyes slowly shutting, trying to keep myself balanced despite the sleepiness. Suddenly, I felt the person behind me tap my right shoulder. I got back to my senses and turned around. I looked at him and he looked at his hand, telling me through body language that he's holding something under the table.
"What?" I mouthed. He just kept on waving the paper behind my back. I turned back to the front of the class and stretched my hand behind me. I got the piece of paper being passed.
My name was written on the folded paper.
Seriously, only passing notes can keep the class alive.
I slowly flipped the note open, trying not to get caught or anything. I started reading what the note said.

You think you're beautiful but you're not.
You think you're smart but you're not.
You think you're humble but you're not.
You think everybody likes you, think again.
You think HE likes you, KEEP DREAMING.

After reading the note, I seriously felt my blood pressure rising. Whoever wrote this note was seriously too bored to death. I turned around and asked the person behind me. He leaned forward to listen to what I have to say.
"Junho yah, who passed this paper?" I whispered.
He just shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know where that originally came from, it was just passed to me to pass it to you cause it has your name on it," He said.
I just sat there quietly, thinking.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
I AM NOT OKAY. This note totally ruined my day.
"Yeah, don't worry about me," I whispered back and let out a small smile. He just patted my shoulder once and leaned back to his seat again.
I sat there, stunned in a bad way. I am having the urge of pulling out the hair of the girl who wrote this note. And I am definitely sure who's the HE she is talking about.

"Psst!" I heard someone behind me called my attention.
I turned around and see Jess looking at me. "What happened?" She mouthed.
I lifted the note for her to see. After that I opened the note again and added some words to it.
I flipped the paper, scratched out my name and wrote JESS so that people will know who to pass the paper to.
Sadly, I stupidly wrote on the paper in a too secretive manner that I didn't notice that Mr. Bates was already eyeing me.
I felt the light become dimmer and the moment I looked up, I see Mr. Bates pushing his glasses, looking down on me. I swallowed my saliva and slowly sat straight.
"Perhaps you can share whatever it is that's written there," he told me. I can totally feel my face going red cause everyone's eyes are on me. Junho closed his eyes, showing an expression of "Ooooh, busted..."
Mr. Bates opened his hand in front of me and signaled me to give the paper to him.
Suddenly, the bell rang. SAVED BY THE BELL, seriously.
I smiled at Mr. Bates and tried to slip my way out of it, "But the class is over, Mr. Bates," I said.
He leaned down on me that his face is just a few inches away from mine. YUCK.
"Detention," he whispered, turned around and walked away. Everyone's beginning to pack their things while I freely let my head bump the table.

After I pack my things, I got out of the classroom and Jess was there, waiting for me to come out.
I handed her the paper and she asked, "what's this?"
"I seriously have no idea who had the guts to write and pass this to me," I told her, "Anyway, I'll see you later. Don't wait up for me," I told her as I started to walk my way to detention in a very dragging manner. A perfect way to ruin my day.

Jesse's P.O.V

Jobie started walking away as I flipped open the note she handed me. I was shocked to read what was written there. If I were her, I'd seriously hunt that woman down and slit her throat with a sharp knife. I feel sorry for my friend, she must be feeling very down after reading the note, special thanks to Mr. Bates who made her feelings worse. I'm seriously gonna get that bald alien professor.

After reading it, I walked my way across the hall and was about to throw the paper into the trash can. Before I dropped the paper, another class was dismissed and students started to come out of the room, maybe 5 rooms away from ours. I squinted my eyes and I see Taec saying goodbye to Jason, like he was hurrying to get somewhere. I then remembered.
I looked at my watch and it says 4:45. Enough time to get to the music hall at 5pm. Just right.
I know who the HE is in the note. I uncrampled the paper I was holding and folded it properly again. I slowly walked towards Jason and he's walking towards me as well. The moment he saw me, he flashed a smile.
"Hey, Jason," I told him.
"Hey, Jess," He said. I can tell he's looking for my friend since he's looking behind me, trying to see if Jobie's with me. But I read his mind.
"Jobes is not with me right now," I said.
"Oh? Can you tell me where she is?" He asked me back, still looking bright.
"Detention," I replied. Now, I can see a drastic change in his expression.
"What for?" He asked curiously.
I lifted the paper in front of him, "she was caught by our professor as she was passing this note to me," I told him.
He looked puzzled by what I said.
"Someone passed this to her and had the guts to write whatever it is that's written in there. Jobes just tried to let me know by forwarding the note, hence, she got caught," I explained further.
He looked sad after hearing what I had to say. "I think you should read it as well," I told him.
"What's this about?" He asked, flipping the paper open in front of me.
I just looked at his reaction and didn't respond to his question, since he's about to read what it's about anyway.
After a few seconds of reading the short note, he looked at me with a furious expression. I just looked at him in a very sorry expression. I looked at him and he slowly closed his eyes, close his palm, crumpling the paper.
"I know how you feel," I told him. He opened his eyes and looked at me, "I think I have an idea who this person might be," He said.
I stared at him with a curious expression, waiting for him to tell me who the biatch is.
He leaned to me and grabbed my shoulders, "don't worry, I will not let this girl hurt your friend," He said, I can see it in his eyes that he really cares for my friend. Jobes is so lucky.
"Thank you," I just said, I was still a bit lost with whatever's happening. That's how it's affecting me, cause Jobes is my best friend, I can't let anything happen to her. I'm glad that Jason's feeling the same way.
"Now you said she's in detention right?" He asked me. I just nodded.
He gave me a slight smile and walked past me, the crumpled paper still in his hand.
Seeing his back walk farther and farther away, I sighed and whispered to myself, "Thank God she met you, I know she'll be fine."
I looked at my watch. Just in time.

I walked my way to the music hall, wondering why Taec wants to meet me there.
I reached the music hall, it's like an auditorium, lots of seats and a huge stage with a grand piano standing in the center. I peeked through the glass of the door. I opened the door slowly and let myself in. I can hear someone playing the piano, maybe Taec's the one playing?
I slowly walked towards the piano and the nearer I get, the louder I can hear the music. Soft sweet music, if I'm not mistaken, it's a slow piano version of "Speechless". I can't see who the one playing is because the hood of the piano blocked the view of his face. I am slowly being carried away by the music I'm hearing. I didn't know Taec can play such good piano.
I slowly stepped on the wooden stairs on the side of stage, trying to avoid causing any unwanted noise to not distract him from playing. But a few steps away from the piano, he stopped playing. He then asked, "Jesse? Is that you?"
I was dumbfounded. That doesn't sound like Taec.
"Who's... there...?" I asked him in a soft tone of voice, still dumbfounded.
I stood there, waiting for him to show himself. He stood up from the chair and walked a few steps to the side of the grand piano. He flashed a smile at me. I still looked at him funny.
"Jesse," He called my name again. I tried to remember. How can this person know my name? He looked like he really knows who I am.

I squinted my eyes a bit, trying my best to remember. I looked at him more clearly. After a few seconds of thinking hard, my face brightened.

"Oh My God......... Mir!"

After I called his name, I suddenly heard a loud thump - like someone closed the door with force, causing it to echo in the whole music hall.

Oh dear, what's happening? Where's Taec?

Monday, April 11, 2011

6. Tease Me and I Shall Tease You Back

My P.O.V

Here I am, sitting under a tree. I can't seem to figure out why I'm sitting here right at this very moment. The leaves of the tree blocking the blazing heat of the sun, cool wind brushing through my cheeks. I closed my eyes for a bit to feel the warm yet cool weather. Just a perfect day to be out of the house. Suddenly, I feel someone walking behind me, approaching me. He was holding two ice creams, one on both hands. He sat down beside me and smiled. He gave me one of the ice creams he was holding. Vanilla, my all-time favorite. It made me smile, really. I started licking my ice cream and he was just there, smiling while eating and looking at me. Good at multitasking, eh?
"What are you smiling about?" I asked him.
"Nothing," He said, and he continues eating his ice cream. Cheese, I think. Well, He loves yellow.

I finished my ice cream and stood up. I dusted off my beautiful skirt and tied the ribbon on my hair, giving it a lovely look. He followed me, dusted his pants off and fixes his hat. I stood there looking at him as he approached me and grabbed me by my waist. He slowly leans forward until the tip of his nose touches mine.
"Jason," I said. He opened his eyes. "Look!" I said, and I started running and he continues to chase me. The moment he catches me, I grabs me by my waist and swings me around, laughing very carefree-ly. We really looked like a romantic and sweet couple in a modern fairy tale..
He turns me to face him and held my chin. He slowly leans forward, and forward, okay he's really near.. He's... He's... He's.....


Holy shit.

"What the hell?!?!?!" I hear Jess mumbling with her face buried under her pillow, body facing down. I opened my eyes and rubbed them, stared at the ceiling to get my balance. Great, my perfect dream being interrupted by reality, and by that stupid annoying alarm clock...
I looked to my right, Jess was there with her hair everywhere. "Once I get up, I'm seriously gonna throw that stupid alarm clock away.." She said as her voice faded, she must be really sleepy.
I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms. I stood up and started to get ready for another dreadful day at school. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. The moment I got back to our room, Jess was not there already.
I made my way to the kitchen and went through the cupboards to see if there's anything edible I can eat for breakfast. There I see Jess, leaning on the counter top, stirring her hot chocolate, slowly sipping it one by one.
Her hair is tied up in a messy bun, and her black rimmed glasses hanged on the bridge of her nose. She's still wearing her sleeping clothes.
"No plans of getting ready yet?" I asked her.
She thew me a blank stare for a while before actually replying to me. "Ever since we've been roommates, I cram my way to school everyday. I'm pretty sure you know that," she said.
"True." I just replied with that. While going through the shelves, I found the box of cereal and went to the fridge to get some milk. Breakfast.

A few minutes after having my breakfast, I went to the door to get my Chucks. Jess walks out of our room looking very neat and ready for school.
"You never fail to amaze me," I told her.
"Pffft, whatever....." She told me as she walked her way near me and wore her Nike Dunks.

As we got out of our unit, we both stopped before continuing.
I turned back to Jess, and she looked back at me.
"Do you think they're still in there?" I asked her in a soft tone of voice.
Jess just shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh well, maybe we'll see them again soon," I said as I continue walking towards the elevator.
"Of course! Before there's like 50% chance of seeing them cause we all go to the same school. But now that we're neighbors, there's like a 99% chance of meeting them, take note, EVERYDAY."
Jess loves explaining things, which just proves that I have an amazing and amusingly smart best friend.

So like any other regular day, we took the bus on our way to school. After paying and sitting on two of the empty seats in the bus, the bus started moving. But after a few seconds, the bus stopped again and the door opened. I saw Jason and Taec get on the bus. Jess and I were both in shock the moment we see the two of them. After paying they went towards us, as if they really knew we're there.
Jason walked towards me and Taec went towards Jess, both of them panting.
"What happened to you guys?" I asked Jason, who was trying to catch his breath.
He took a gulp and replied to my question, "We've been running, trying to catch up with you two, but then you guys jumped up fast to the bus. Good thing we still managed to get on," he said.
"Oh..." I said, just letting out a shy smile.
"May I..?" He asked me as he pointed towards the seat beside me.
"Sure, sure, go ahead," I said. After sitting beside me, we both fell in awkward silence.
I can seriously feel stray eyes lurking, through the corner of my eyes I can see. A few girls our age, dressed up in the same uniform as ours. Great. More people will hate me now.

Jess's P.O.V

I seriously can't believe he went straight up to me. It's like, the sky has fallen or something. It was beyond my expectations. I thought he was just gonna ignore me or throw me a shy smile and sit at the other end of the bus. But his courage to come up and ask me if he could sit beside really caught me off guard.
I can see Jobie and Jason talking to each other. They must be fastly getting to know each other well. I envy my friend. But I'm happy to say that they really suit each other, like they had the perfect chemistry.
Taec and I sat awkwardly beside each other. But to break the silence, I tried to speak first.
"What time does your class start, today?" I asked.
"9:30. Math." He replied. He looked bored the way he said it, he must be poor at math or something. Maybe I can be his private tutor. Oh come on Jess, don't be ridiculous, when that happens, there will be life on Mars.
"Do you like math?" He asked me in return. It's funny, though, that we talk about MATH early in the morning to try to get rid of the awkwardness. I just pushed back my glasses and slowly nodded. I like math, and getting to solve a problem gives me a relieved feeling I just can't explain. I know, weird..
"Oh.." He just said. OMG, please don't tell me that it was a turn off point that I sounded like a geek. I closed my eyes, hope he didn't see my expression full of regret.
"Nice," He added. I was shocked to hear him say that one particular word.
"Ne?" I replied. Looking shocked and all.
"Maybe you can be my private tutor?" He asked politely, showing a shy expression. Aish, this guy. He looks very manly and all but he has a soft side, how cuter can that be?
"You... want to be your.... tutor?" I asked, stuttering - out of words.
"Is it possible? But if you're busy-"
"No problem!" I cut him, before he takes back his words. Imagine me teaching him math, it's a perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other. This is very awesome.
He just smiled and said thanks. Seeing his facial expression, I can really tell that he's pleased as well, just like me.

The bus stopped and we've reached school. I can see Jason being a gentleman, looking after my friend. Taec and I got off the bus as well and the four of us crossed the street and into our school.
Jason and Jobie looked like they're saying their goodbyes since they're not classmates. Taec turned to face me the moment we reached th inside of the gate.
"So, I'll see you later?" Taec asked. He caught me off guard again.
"Later?" I asked, standing there looking stiff.
"Yeah, maybe I'll see you at the music hall, 5pm, after class." He said and without letting me say another word, he and Jason walked away.
Jason was walking beside Taec but his eyes are still glued to my friend. I may say so myself, Jason likes my friend. POSITIVE.

Seeing them walk away, I didn't even notice Jobie approach me. She just stood beside me and looked at me.
"Yah!" She said, giving me a fright. She laughed at seeing my expression.
"Looks like you and Taec are doing pretty well," She teased me. She's always been good at that.
I tried to avoid her statement by looking away. But I turned to her instead and tease her back instead.
"You and Jason are GOING OUT pretty well," I said, letting out a small laugh.
"We are not going out, well, not yet..." she said, looking dismayed.
"Don't worry my friend, I can sense that happening anytime soon," I told her as I patted her shoulder.
"Psshhhh, you and Taec look good, as I've said.. Look who likes Taec now," She said, laughing evily as she starts to walk.
"Yah! Tease me and I shall tease you back!" I said, following her back.
"Lalalala, whatever," She just said, laughing hysterically.
I jogged my way to catch up to her and I slid my arm into hers, looking like two sisters strolling in the park as we walked our way to class.

5PM, Music hall.. I shall be there...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5. 2 Dates, One Night, and the Guys Next Door...

My P.O.V
Here I am, walking in the street , beside me is Jason - the cutest guy in school. If girls in school knew that I was with him, I might end up being "the hated girl" in school for being with him. Girls would totally die to be in my position now.
"We never got to introduce ourselves properly," he said. I just threw him the shy look and smiled.
"I'm Jason, by the way," he said, putting out his right hand for me to shake while the both of us are walking.
"Jobie," I said as I shake his hand at the same time.
I admit, there are some moments of awkward silence in between us because it's a bit awkward for the both of us. Here he is, walking me home when in fact, it's our first time to get to know each other.
I saw through the corner of my eye that he looked in his watch. Oh God, please don't tell me he's getting bored for walking me home.. I hope he doesn't feel that...
Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spoke, "how... would you like to, uhm.... get a late night snack with me?" He shyly asked. He looked really cute, looking shy and all that.
I thought for a while and smiled, "sure," I said. I saw his smiling face. That's the first time our eyes met, it felt very 'magical' in some way. I know, I have cheesy thoughts.

Jesse's P.O.V
He went to line up in the queue to order some food for us, I guess both of us are starving. Standing a few steps away from the door, I quickly rang Jobie's phone. It felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on top of my head. I felt very awake. He looked at me strangely.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"Oh, no no. I'm fine, I just need to call up my friend, make her know I'm okay," I replied.
He just smiled and nodded. OMG, how can he look so good? Okay, the phone is now ringing. Pick up, Jobes, Pick up!
"Hello?" Yes! Finally. The moment she answered I turned around and whispered through the receiver.
"Yah! What happened?" I immediately asked her in a very small tone of voice.
"Why are you whispering? Where are you anyway?" She asked.
"I'm not yet home. Are you?" I asked her back. Funny cause both of us are not answering each other's question directly.
"Not yet home, I'm with HIM right now!" Jobes replied, but in a very soft voice as well, like she's afraid Jason will hear her getting excited and all. Yes, I KNOW it's Jason - the only guy possible of making Jobes squeal like a fangirl.
"Tell me in exact details when we get home, arasso??" I told Jobes.
"Of course! Who else would I tell it to? But I'll be home a bit late, cause I'll be having a late dinner with him, so....JESS!!!"
I jumped the moment she shouted. But her voice sounded very near, as if she was just standing right behind me.
I turned around and there I saw Jobes. She had her very bright wide smile on her face while looking at me, looking very surprised too.
"You're here!" I told Jobes. I see Jason entering and closing the door behind Jobie. After closing the door, he looks at me and gives me a faint smile.
"Hey, Jason," I told him. He looks a bit shocked, not knowing how I knew his name. He just smiled and gave me a shy bow and looked at Jobie.
"Oh, Jason, she's Jesse, my best chingu in the university," I hear Jobes introduce me to him.
"Hi, Jesse," he said. After saying so, he suddenly talked to the person behind my back.
"Taec Hyung ah! You're here too?" Jason said. We all looked at the direction he's looking at and I see the guy I was with, standing behind me.
"Jason," he just said his name.
"You guys know each other?" Jason asked the guy. I see Jobes looking confused as well the moment she looked at me.
So there, we all shared one table and we all chatted and got together that night. I learned that the mysterious guy I am with the whole is named Taecyeon.
But somehow, I can sense something. I know I'm not into cheesy thoughts like Jobes is, but I'm really sensing something from this Jason guy.
I looked at him and there he was, sitting silently but his eyes are damn glued to my friend. I tried to break his attention, to see if he will come to his senses.
"Why are you so quiet, Jason?" I asked. He seriously didn't notice me and kept staring at Jobes. He smiled everytime Jobie says something funny, he looks mesmerized by by friend. I can really tell, this guy is into my best friend.
Then suddenly, I see Jobes look at Jason and she actually caught Jason looking at her. They both smiled shyly at each other. They actually suit each other, they look cute together.

Sadly, that night had to end, although all the four of us wished that we could just talk and talk and talk. Even I got to know more about Taec. So he's actually Jason's best friend and he's really good at rapping while Jason is good at singing, although both of them are beasts on the dance floor. It was surely a night we all won't forget - the first meeting.

The four of us got out of the restaurant. We all stood there and thought how the hell we're gonna get home. "I have my bike with me, but then, I can only take one person with me," Taec said.
"Jason, you can go with Taec since you two live in the same place," I told Jason. Jason had the blank facial expression as he shifts his looks from me to Jobie, who's looking back at him.
"Ahhh arasso arasso," I said, knowing what the two of them have in their minds. I'm guessing Taec also knows by that time as he suddenly said, "I'll take you home, Jesse, hop on," he told me. Without second thoughts, I got on on the empty seat behind him. We said our goodbyes and Taec and I drove away from the restaurant.

Jason's P.O.V
What a wrong move, I should've brought my car with me so I can take her home. FAIL, Jason, FAIL...
I look at her and there she is, standing beside me, probably waiting for me to speak up. Once in a while she looks at me with a shy smile, looking very attractive. I will definitely not let this moment pass.
"Uh, I was thinking, how about we take the taxi to your place before I go find my way home?" I asked her. Okay, that didn't sound quite right because I just saw her make a worried face.
"It would be a hassle for you, Jason. I think it's best if I just go home by..." Jobie said. I cut her before she finishes.
"No, I want to take you home," I quickly said. She looked at me and I added, "Please?"
"Actually my house isn't that far from here, how about walking?" She said with a very pleasant smile. "Sure," I said, comically motioning my arm to make her hold it. She smiles and held onto my arm like a couple walking. We both let out a small laugh, laughing at the thought that we got rid of the awkwardness in between us.
I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her smile seemed to shine brightly than the stars above us. One thing is for sure, I would want to see her more often....

After walking a few minutes, Jobie said, "I heard there are new people in our building, next door to our unit. I wonder who they are. I like seeing new faces," she said.
"Well, you will soon find out. Let's just pray that they are not those nosy tenants who minds other people's business. If they bother you, just call me up and I'll beat the crap outa them," I told her, trying to make her laugh, and she did.
I could go on like this forever, making her laugh and have a good time with her. I really want to get to know her more....

My P.O.V again
Being with guy is epic. Other girls in school likes him for his very attractive looks and charisma, but being with him, it made me realize that he's just another simple guy, which adds very high plus points to me. I like being with him, if only I have the chance of seeing him everyday...
The moment we reached our building, I saw Taec's motorbike parked outside. Jesse must've let him in our unit.
"You live here?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, why? Isn't that Taec's bike? Maybe he's in our unit right now," I answered, "Come on, let's go up for a while," I said.
Strange. He looked surprised for a bit, and I wonder why.
We got on the elevator and the moment when I was about to press '8', his fingers touched mine before I press the button. Now, something is weird. How did he know that I live on the 8th floor?
The moment we got off the elevator, We passed the hallway and there we see the unit where Jess and I live.

I see Jess standing outside the door of our unit 8A, and surprisingly, I see Taec leaning on the wall, outside the unit 8B.
I think I get it now...
"Hey," I told them, "Why are you both outside?" I asked.
"Surprisingly, Taec and Jason are our new next door neighbors," Jess told me.
"What??" I was so surprised and happy at the same time, but I tried to hold it in because I nearly jumped and give Jason a hug. But I held it in. I cannot act like a crazy fangirl in front of Taec and Jason.
I looked at him, Jason looked surprised and happy as well.
"Seems like we're gonna see each other more often now," Taec said. The four of us laughed, we all share the same feeling at that moment....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4. Meeting Once Again...

I looked at my watch, it's already 9 in the evening. I pushed back my glasses as I yawned. I just suddenly thought to myself, why on earth am I punishing myself so much? I must be out of my mind.
"Yinlay ah, it's already late at night. The school is closing already, you should go home," the old school janitor said, holding a mop.
"Ahjussi, please call me Jesse. And yes, I will go home soon," I said as I started to pack my things.
"Aish, Yinlay, you know, you're the only student I know who stays up late here at school. Don't you have other things to do other than study?" He asked me. I pursed my lips and raised my shoulders.
While I continued to pack my things, the lights in the library started to flicker. I started to move in a faster pace. Jeez, I don't want to be left here alone in the school at this late hour with lights flickering.
"Ahjussi, I'll be going now," I told him as I started to walk out the library. The moment I looked back, I was quite surprised to see that Ahjussi was gone. I exited the library at a fast speed.

So there, I walked my way to the gate of the school which is like a gazillion miles away from the library. I had to walk past the cafeteria, the classrooms, the gymnasium, the auditorium, the music room - practically the whole school. Aish, why on earth does the library have to be at the other end of the school gate?
It was dark cause only a few lights were left on on the hallways and the other corridors. This school could really pass for filming a scary place, it gives me the creeps.
As I was walking past the gymnasium, I heard a ball bouncing inside the court. My heartbeat started to beat faster and I felt like I froze at where I am standing.
"Cripes!" I exclaimed to myself. I haven't seen anyone since I left the library and now, this?! I can literally feel goosebumps all over me.
Why on earth do I have to experience this. It's scaring the hell out of me!
"Maybe someone was still inside," I tried to move my feet, I walked slowly towards the door in a very slow speed. The moment I held on to the door knob, a very loud thump scared me to death.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed. I didn't even think twice and just ran as fast as I can with my backpack behind me.
"Don't look back, Jesse, don't look back," I told myself. I was squinting my eyes but I can literally feel myself screaming on the inside. This is driving me insane!
"I'm never gonna stay late at school!" I told myself. I tried to talk to myself just to get rid of the scary silence that's bugging me.
While I was walking, I could bet my cat's life that someone behind me was walking. This is seriously driving me insane. I didn't turn around but I tried to sense if someone was really behind me. I hear footsteps coming from behind me and suddenly, I see a ball rolling and it stopped right beside my right foot. "Get away from me, please," I said. I tried to stay calm and I continued walking. Walking felt like the ground was shaking under me. I was THAT nervous.

Without turning around, I could finally see the exit gate of this friggin' scary place, but it's still far from where I'm standing. Suddenly, my phone rang and I was too paranoid that I dropped everything I was holding on my hands.
As I was picking them up, I closed my eyes and let out a deep exhale. The moment I opened my eyes I saw two skinny hands picking up the books. I screamed and he shushed me out of nowhere.
My eyes are opened really widely as I see him there, squatting in front of me.
"Shush!! What are you crazy? Screaming at this time of the night," He told me.
"When the hell did you get here??" I asked him back, sitting on the grass with my hands on the ground supporting behind me.
"Shall we not argue?" He told me and pulled my arm to help me stand up.
I dusted off my uniform and wore my backpack. I didn't say a thing at first. I was shy to meet his eyes.
"Do you have a ride home?" He asked me. I just shook my head and looked at the ground.
"Come on, it's late. I'll take you home," He told me.
"No, it's okay, I live near anyway, I can walk home," I said. But he doesn't seem to care about what I said and kept walking, holding my books.
"Can I have my books, please?" I said, walking behind him.
As I was about to tap his shoulder, he turned around and looked at me. I looked at him as he flashes a smile, it seemed like morning.
"I don't take no for an answer," He said. After that he turned around and continued walking.
So I had no choice but to follow him. The moment we reached the exit, I saw a motorbike.
He goes near it, opens the lid of the seat and took out a helmet. He looked at it and handed it to me. I stood there frozen, watching him stick the keys into the ignition and wear his helmet. He sees me there standing by myself like a lamp post staring at him.
He took the helmet and put it on my head. He secured the strap below my chin and lends out his hand, signaling me to climb to the seat behind him.
I just followed and climbed on the bike. In a second, we rode home through the darkness of the streets...

I couldn't deny it, I'm really sleepy.. I tried to fight it, though. I held on to the handle below the seat because I was a bit shy to hold on to him, I barely knew him at all.
He was speeding fast and I can feel the cold wind brush through my cheeks. But the moment he swerved, I lost control of my balance on my seat. He partially looked at me while driving.
"What the..! Yah! Gwenchana?" He asked me. I looked like a drunk with my eyes half open.
I can feel the motorbike slowing down till we reach a full stop. Before we move again, I felt him pull my arms and wrapped it around his waist. I didn't pull myself against it and just let my head rest on his back. The bike sped again.

While on the road, I didn't notice that I was talking while sleeping.
"I want to eat...." I mumbled.
I'm sure he heard what I said.
"What do you want to eat?" He asked back.
"Food." I replied, unconsciously..

After a few minutes, I felt the bike coming to a stop again. I opened my eyes and looked around.
I saw a small restaurant in front beside me. He turned his head and looked at me.
"Go down," He told me. I looked at him for a second and climbed down the bike. He parked it where we stopped. He took off his helmet, so did I.
"Come on," He told me.
He walked his way towards the store and I followed him inside... While walking, my phone rang again. It has 2 messages now. Both are from Jobie.

-Where are you? Are you home already? Text me if you're home.
-Oh My Gosh.. You can never guess who's with me right now...

Did I miss something?....

Monday, January 24, 2011

3. Friday Night

Nothing feels better than hearing the bells ring and going out of the classroom on a Friday afternoon. But before the day ends, Mr. Bates never fails to spoil the good mood.
"Class, don't forget, we have a long quiz on Monday. Better read up those chapters," he said. I looked around the class and sees everyone busy packing their bags, like pretending they didn't hear anything. I see Jesse writing on her notebook, maybe taking a few keynotes from the board. Andrew was texting with his cellphone, as if there was no professor inside the classroom. I just continued to put my books and other things back in my bag.
After packing, I stood up and went towards Jesse's seat. She's just packing her things.
"You're heading home after class?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't have anywhere else to go, why?" She responded, looking up at me and pushing back her glasses.
"Nothing, I just asked." I just thought of asking that.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Andrew suddenly showed up behind me and startled me.
"You guys are going home on a Friday night? Oh, come on! There's no school tomorrow," he said.
"Why? Where do you plan to go?" I asked him.
"Well, wanna go watch a movie?" He asked me and Jesse.
"Well..." I didn't respond immediately. I looked at Jesse who's looking back at me.

"I guess..?" I replied with a tone of a question, meaning, I'm not so sure about his plan.
"Great! How about you, Jesse? Wanna come too?" He asked Jess.
"I think I'm gonna pass this time, but you two have fun, okay?" Jesse replied.
"You sure?" I asked her. Trying to persuade her to come with us by giving her a certain look, like trying to communicate through telepathy.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Jesse calmly replied.
"Alright then, if you say so. But next time, you promise you'll come with us, okay?" Andrew said. Jesse just gave us a faint smile and nodded.
Andrew started walking out the classroom and I was a bit left behind, saying goodbye to Jesse.
"Take care," I said, as I started to walk towards the door.
"Thanks," She replied.

We took the cab to the nearest mall. People have been looking at me and Andrew as we walk because we're wearing our uniforms. We're wearing beige colored coats, white polo shirts, plaided skirt for me and pants for Andrew. I'm wearing my all-time favorite shoes - white All Star Chucks.
We walked and walked, till we reached the theaters. We both stood in front of the ticketing table and with our heads up, we tried to look for a good movie to watch.
"What do you suggest?" Andrew said.
"You're call," I replied.
"Let's watch Black Swan," Andrew suggested. I just gave him a 'so-so' look.
"I wanna watch Sucker Punch," I said.
"What? Sucker Punch? Oh come on, Black Swan," He insisted.
"I have a better idea. Why don't we just watch what we want to watch? Sounds good, eh?" I suggested. He didn't respond immediately.
"What? I don't see you come up with better ideas. Watching both will cost us a lot," I said.
"Oh alright, you watch Sucker Punch, and I watch Black Swan," Andrew finally agreed. I couldn't have it any other way. Plus, I wonder what it feels like to watch a movie alone. The last time was when I saw Secret Garden the Movie with Jesse.

So we bought our tickets but both our screenings are not starting until an hour passes. So we decided to go get something to eat.
"You know what? I feel like we're having a date," Andrew said with a smile on his face. I looked at him with a blank face and a popcorn in between my lips, looking like a bum.
I threw the piece of popcorn I'm holding at his face.
"Gross," I said.
Andrew laughed at my reaction. "What?! I was just kidding! You're so not my type," He said.
"Thank God for that," I said, chewing on the piece of popcorn.
Andrew looks at his watch and said, "Come on, the movies are about to start. Don't finish those, save some for later."
We both got up and went to the theaters.

So there, we went our separate ways and entered the theaters. It's dark and the movie is about to start. Good thing there's an usher with a gigantic flashlight, lighting my way to my seat.
The moment I sat down, the opening credits started to roll - just in time.
I held on to my pack of popcorn, opened it and started eating it. Halfway before I finish the popcorn, I just rememebered, "Shit! I forgot my iced tea!" Oh well, I guess I just have to watch and eat without drinking.
Funny though, even if the movie already started 10 minutes ago, that's when the theater started to be packed. While watching, three guys sat in front of me.
So there, the movie was rolling, but these three guys in front of me keep on talking while watching - like immature kids reacting to every bomb that blows or the characters jumping off a cliff and not dying.
I couldn't resist myself so I lifted my right leg and kicked the back of the chair in front of me.
"Hey!" He turned around. I could only see his silhouette, his butt lifted from his seat. I shrank on my seat and covered half of my face with my bag, only my eyes are seen.
"What the hell did you do that for, huh?" He shouted. I looked around and saw people looking at us. People are starting to shout at him to shut him up.
Suddenly, the guy beside him stood up and made the angry guy sit down.
"Chill. Let it go, she's a lady, for Christ's sake. You gonna pick a fight inside the theater just for that?" He said. I looked at the guy and i saw is silhouette too.
I recognize something, his spiky hair, and the puffiness of his cheeks are clearly seen through his silhouette. I'm positive. I know who he is.
He turned to me and whispered, "Sorry for that."
I replied with the bag on covering my mouth, letting out a muffling sound, "It's okay."
So, I continued watching and I noticed that once in a while, he slightly turns his head and looks at me through the corner of his eye, but I didn't pay any attention to that and just continued watching the movie.

At the end, as the credits roll, I started to head for the door in fast walking speed. I didn't want to see who that mad person was. So I continued walking through the crowd. The moment I got out of the theater, I squinted my eyes for the bright lights blinded me. The moment I got out, I took out my cellphone and texted Andrew.
I'm done. Where are you? Message sent.
While waiting for his reply, someone taps me on my left shoulder. I turned around and I saw him, Jason, standing behind me. The moment he saw me, he smiled and let out a small laugh.
"I knew it was you," He said. I just smiled, feeling embarrassed.
"Sorry about what happened earlier," I said, looking down on my hands.
"No, no, it's not your fault. We were actually a bit noisy inside the theater so we are the ones who should apologize," He said. How can someone look to perfect while apologizing?
"It's okay," I said, smiling. I looked behind him and I noticed that he's alone.
"Where are your friends?" I asked them.
"Oh, uhm, I told them to go ahead. I thought it would be best if you guys don't meet each other after what happened inside, he might tease you or something," He said.
Gosh, this guy is unbelievable.
"Oh," I was seriously left speechless.
There was an awkward silence for a second, then someone texted me. It was Andrew.
"Waiting for someone?" Jason asked.
"WAS waiting for someone, but apparently, he told me not to wait for him anymore. He told me I should go ahead," I replied.
"Oh, would you mind if I walk you home?" He politely asked.
Seriously, with that face? I just couldn't say NO....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2. Awkward

Oh, you've got to be kidding me..

"I'm sorry," he said. I was frozen the moment I saw his face. He was standing there alone, facing me, with an apologetic smile on his face.
I can bet that Andrew and Jesse are frozen like me, too. While staring at him for a few seconds, I can feel Andrew poke my arm, "give him his ball back, Jobes," He said while still looking at the guy.
I went back to reality the moment Andrew called my attention. I looked at the ball, and then at him. "Oh, here," I said, handing him the ball back.
"Thanks, and sorry again for bothering you guys," he said. He flashed his smile and walks away. The three of us are watching him walk away.

"Tell me, how cool is that getting hit by Jason's baseball? You're lucky, woman," Jess told me.
"What's lucky in getting hit by a baseball?" I replied.
"Are you crazy? That was Jason! The most popular guy in school. He's cute and he's a great dancer!" Jesse told me. "Yeah!" Andrew added, "face it, you were struck."
"No, I'm not," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Yes, you are. I saw you freeze the moment you see him," Andrew said.
"How are you sure?" I said, trying to lure away because what he said was true.
"Well, first, you're the type of person who would get back at that certain person if he's not Jason. Second, you froze the moment you saw him. And third, you tucked your hair behind your ear," Andrew explained. I listened to every single reason he said, and much to my dismay, everything he said was right.
"We know you too well, Jobes, you can't hide it from us," Jesse added.
"Fine, alright. I admit it," I just told them that to shut them both up, or else, they'll be teasing me for the whole day.

After all the fuss happening, the bell rang. Jess and I started to pack up our books and place them in our bags.
"I swear, the next time we do this, I'm gonna bring a wagon and drag all these heavy thick books behind me. Carrying them would be like punishing ourselves physically," I whined, again. Jess just let out a small laugh with my whining.
"When will you ever stop whining, Jobes?" Jesse said with a smile in her face.
Andrew interrupted us by saying goodbye, "Hey you guys, I need to go. I'll see you two ladies around," He said.
"Bye," We both said. I raised my hand and waved goodbye.

It's a huge campus, and seeing the nearest building from where we stand felt like it's miles away from us. Yes, I'm somewhat a lazy person.
I saw Jesse's walk starting to get faster. She had no problems in walking fast because she has long legs and she's tall. Unlike me, short legs, SHORT.
After walking a distance away from me, Jess turned around and faced me, walking backwards.
"Jobes, you gotta go faster than that or we'll be late in class," Jesse told me.
"Pffft, alright," I said, trying to speed up. Jesse seems like she's having fun walking backwards, looking at me walk while carry a pile of books.
While walking, my eyes widened the moment I saw Jesse who was about to collide with another person.
"Jess, look out!" I shouted. But it was too late.
"WOAH!" Jesse stumbled backwards and throwing those books into the air. The tall man she collided with fell to the floor too. I approached them.

"What the hell?! Weren't you looking? GOD!" Jesse exclaimed while picking up the books scattered all over the floor.
"Well, don't blame me, you weren't looking too!" the tall guy talked back at Jess. He stands up, dusts himself, and picks up his backpack.
Jesse was left kneeling on the floor, picking up the pile of books. Papers were scattered on the floor as well.
The tall guy looks at her for a few seconds, then he kneels and gathers the papers and gives it to Jess.
The moment I approach them, both of them already stood up.
The tall guy gives Jess her papers with one hand, looking away. Jesse gives him an irritated look and takes the papers, not saying anything.
Jesse started to walk away and we both looked at her for a few seconds.
"Sorry about that, she didn't mean it," I told the guy.
The tall guy just gave me a faint smile and starts to walk away from me as well.
I watched the guy walk away. As I was looking at him, I heard Jess call after me.
"JOBES! Come on!"
She frightened me with her loud voice, and I immediately walked fast to catch up with her.

"Who do you think that guy was?" I asked Jesse, feeling intrigued.
"I don't know, and I don't care," Jesse said, looking straight with a serious face.
"He seems nice," I said with a smile in my face.
Jesse just lets out a smirk and shakes her head twice.
"Why not? He seems nice, well, at least to me," I said again.
There was an awkward silence between us. I can't stand awkward silences, especially between me and Jess. So I tried to tease her just to get rid of the silence and get her to talking.
"I think he likes you," I said.
Jesse stops walking and faces me, giving me the 'unbelieveable!' look.
"Jobes, you watch too many Korean dramas. You need to get away from your fantasies," Jesse told me. She starts walking again.
I catch up, again..
"You both suit each other," I told her. To put aside the teasing, I really think they suit each other well.
Jess stopped and turned to me again. I was expecting a bit of scolding or at least telling me to stop the teasing. She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"We're gonna be late, come on," She told me. We both walked faster than usual.

Aish this woman.....